Sunday, November 24, 2013

Assignment 14-Garrett Uebelhor

        Every year my Thanksgiving consists of traveling to eastern kentucky and eating with a bunch of family on my moms side. Prior to the event everyone cooks up part of the meal and then by the time we all come together massive amounts of food consume every inch of available counter space in the host's home. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite hollidays, some people say they love all the food and deserts, but for me it has always been seeing all my family that was really the treat.  All the family gathered around the table giving thanks for the hands that prepared the food and all the simple things in life always puts my personal greed in check. Every year it gives me the chance to remember what is really important in life. Athough presents or candy aren't recieved it fills me with happiness, one which these things cannot provide anyways. My best thanksgiving memory is that of being in my grandma's burning hot little 1 story house stuffed full of cousins, aunts, and uncles. Looking back on those thanksgiving's days I realize just how much I miss them. Now that my grandma is gone I really realize how much the extended family holidays in her house. I guess you really "don't know what you got 'till ita gone" and now I wish I had so that I could of been more grateful back then.

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