Friday, November 29, 2013
Hallie- 13
14- Hallie- disfunction
12- Hallie- Forks are sluts
Assignment 10- Hallie
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Assignment 15- Kaylyn Torkelson
For the longest time, my favorite word was Susquehanna. It's the name of a river in the northeast, around the Pennsylvania area. (And also a bank and a town, as well.) The only real reason I liked the word so much was because it sounded pretty. The word Susquehanna makes me think of honey, something golden and sweet, or maybe a summer day when the temperature is perfect. The sun is
warms your face just enough, so you're not all sticky and sweaty, but you can still feel it. Susquehanna sounds like perfection. Unfortunately, I've seen the Susquehanna River. And it's not perfection. It's just a river, and a boring one at that. It's not even slightly pretty. My disappointment was overwhelming. But I still like the word. Even if it is just another dumb old river, it doesn't sound like it. Susquehanna sounds much more beautiful, and that ability to appear as something you're not is wonderful to me. I envy Susquehanna for its mysterious qualities. And that's why it's my favorite word.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Assignment 14 - Jacquelyn Engel
Assignment 14-Thomas
Assignment 14
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Assignment 15: Covergirl
Your Prompt:
Choose one of the other two prompts from Assignment 6: Create your own adventure and write about it.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, December 1st at 11:59 pm
Assignment 14-Eliot Smith
Thanksgiving is, well, the day to give thanks. This holiday has evolved--or devolved--into everybody stuffing their faces with stuffing and not giving a hoot about thanking those in their lives. And, honestly, I'm completely fine with that. I'm not really someone who goes out of their way to praise others for their deeds. Rather, I'm the kid that prefers to shut up and eat. Because of this, I love Thanksgiving. What can be better than a whole day dedicated to other people placing plates of delicious food in front of you only in exchange for a grateful grunt.
Thanksgiving is not a holiday packed with memories for me; however, I fondly remember the Thanksgiving of 2007. This was the year that we actually hosted the meal, and for dessert my father, a fantastic cook, decided to make a cheesecake. Why he decided on a cheesecake is beyond me, as cheesecake really doesn't possess the Thanksgiving aura, but I digress. At around 2:00, my dad opened the oven door in order to cool the cake while we left to go fetch some spices. My German Shepherd, Burke, just absolutely devoured it. This was the year of a dessertless Thanksgiving, and the cleaning of mounds of dog throw up.
Assignment 14- Megan Woodrum
Assignment 14-Garrett Uebelhor
Every year my Thanksgiving consists of traveling to eastern kentucky and eating with a bunch of family on my moms side. Prior to the event everyone cooks up part of the meal and then by the time we all come together massive amounts of food consume every inch of available counter space in the host's home. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite hollidays, some people say they love all the food and deserts, but for me it has always been seeing all my family that was really the treat. All the family gathered around the table giving thanks for the hands that prepared the food and all the simple things in life always puts my personal greed in check. Every year it gives me the chance to remember what is really important in life. Athough presents or candy aren't recieved it fills me with happiness, one which these things cannot provide anyways. My best thanksgiving memory is that of being in my grandma's burning hot little 1 story house stuffed full of cousins, aunts, and uncles. Looking back on those thanksgiving's days I realize just how much I miss them. Now that my grandma is gone I really realize how much the extended family holidays in her house. I guess you really "don't know what you got 'till ita gone" and now I wish I had so that I could of been more grateful back then.
Assignment 6- Andy
2. If you owned a factory what would it make?
3. If you could have been an extra for an movie (past or future), what would it be?
1. If I could be any fictional race I would be an Elf from the Lord of The Rings. This is not only because Elves are in LOTR are the best characters in the book, but for a number of other reasons. The first reason is obvious: they are immortal. They live forever unless they are killed by battle or grief. Living forever would be nice, but there are some drawbacks. Apparently they live forever because they are waiting for the end of days, which is not something to look forward too. They also live on while their friends and comrades die. Many of the elves are powerful wizards/sorcerers, which, assuming I could be one, would be a plus. Elves also have impressive housing. Living in a tree alone would make it worth it. In J.R.R. Tolkien's universe elves are not the "most powerful" race, but I think overall the advantages of being an elf would outweigh the disadvantages and problems of being one.
Assignment 14- Andy
week 14: Hannah Pulley
Isaac- Assignment 14
This Thanksgiving will be a new experience for me, because as of August I have been a vegetarian and I don't plan on breaking the diet just for Turkeyday, or whatever the kids are calling it now. My guess is that I'll get asked why I'm no longer eating meat, partnered with if I'm sure I don't want some turkey. There's no way to really know until it happens though. Maybe it will lead to a great piece of observational comedy, but I'm not gonna get my hopes up.
Assignment 14 Schuler Ravencraft
Assignment 14- Taylore Jordan
Assignment 14- Kaylyn Torkelson
Assignment 14-Gibbs
Assignment 14- Katy
My family of four, my uncle's family of three, my cousin Brittany and her mother, my two cousins and their parents, and then my cousin and her boyfriend. That adds up to 15 people in a 3 bedroom house. One of which doesn't even have a bed. When you add all the pets that are also brought on the voyage to Indiana, you have one cat, two dogs, one guinea pig, and several fish. That is an extremely tight fit.
My sister and I used to get priority on sleeping, but in the past couple of years we've been pushed down on the list and we usually sleep on the floor in the dining room with our cousin Brittany. Our older cousins Christopher and Charlie actually camped outside one year... not really because we didn't have room (believe me, it's still a big house) but because they had gotten these new camping tents that were supposed to handle -30 degree weather (I think I heard them sneak in around midnight.)
Last year was probably the best thanksgiving I had had in a while. That's because my uncle took me and my cousin Brittany black Friday shopping. He said he'd take us anywhere we wanted and we could stay out as long as we wanted just as long as we helped him get two toys for his kids' Christmas. That was more than agreeable for us.
We stayed out until about 3:30am when we started to feel that our knees would give out. Luckily my uncle had gotten us coffee and a midnight snack of McDonalds, but it just wasn't enough near the end.
All in all it was a successful shopping trip. My uncle got several presents for his family (including one for me!) and my cousin Brittany purchased several cute tops. I didn't have any money with me, but the experience of black Friday shopping was enough for me. I wish I could do it again this year.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Assignment 13-Gibbs
Assignment 13 Schuler Ravencraft
Assignment 13 Siobhan
Assignment 6 - Drew
You're on the Death Star with your rebel strike force: you, Dilbert, Lord Admiral Viscount Horatio Nelson, Charles De Gaul, M. Tullius Cicero, B.A. Baracchus (from A-Team), and Dr. McCoy (from Star Trek). Describe how you are going to destroy this installation and talk about how your team executed.
You are asked to make a speech before Congress; what are you going to say? How critical do you plan on being to this audience? Describe the audience's reaction to your speech.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Assignment 14 :Flying Turkeys
Assignment 13- Megan Woodrum
Assignment 13- Katy
Assignment 13-Eliot Smith
It is because of this that something radical, something able to turn this hell train around, needs to be done. I think most Americans will agree with me when I say that the current American monetary system is unnecessarily intricate; a much simpler one would favor the country, and its people, much better. This widespread belief calls for a reversion to the easy, old-fashioned barter system.
This idea would completely dissolve the need to repay the national debt because, logically, if we don't utilize paper currency, how will we be expected to repay the Chinese? The proposed system would also resolve the current complex monetary organization, due to the useful simplicity of the barter system. With the system in place, a man wouldn't have to go through some futile process of transferring funds and bank accounts to make a purchase at the local Best Buy, he could just trade a few chickens and a goat for the 3D television that he's always wanted, just like the old days. And if the Best Buy employee later discovers that he's been sold a sick goat, he can easily track down the original buyer, kill him, and take his belongings. I believe this system would produce a win-win situation for all, based on the aforementioned example, and would completely restore this country's economy to full health.
Assignment 13- Andy
Assignment 13- Thomas
Assignment 13- Garrett Uebelhor
Assignment 13 - Jonathan Tungate
week 13: Hannah Pulley
Assignment 13- Isaac- Why do you leave a Youtube comment?
You left what, then? Some hate? Maybe you hit on the girl in the video because your hormones are out of control, which is a super creepy thing to do. Could it be that you were just a d-list troll, or worse yet, got into some heated political or religious debate? It has to be one of these. These comment sections spew nothing but vitriol and anger and they are constantly flooded with the stuff, but hey, maybe you'll get top comment or make that guy "realize" how bad immigrants are. Because we all know that once you get top comment or sway Mr. Internet's ideologies you'll... You'll, um- wait, what would this have accomplished exactly, because it seems to me that all you've done is contribute to the ever-growing mold of humanity that is a Youtube comment section.
Assignment 13 - Jacquelyn Engel
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Life as Corey Feldman's Glove
Disclaimer: I love Corey Feldman and wish him the best of luck in revitalizing his career. It would just suck to be his glove, and let's face it, he's kind of an easy target.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Assignment 13: Changes!
Assignment 12- Julian Perry
Assignment 12- Kaylyn Torkelson
I hate my job. I hate my life. I really wish I could get up and roll away, but alas, I am stuck here. It's hard getting walked over like you're worthless, you know? I used to be hanging up among hundreds of my kind, with a nice laminated price tag and everything. I couldn't wait until the day that someone picked me and took me home. Now, I spend my days in the middle of a room on the floor. Countless amounts of food and liquid have been spilled on me, even though they're not supposed to be in the living room anyways. I'm starting to bald in the few areas where the blasted couch rubs up against me, and the sun is starting to bleach my already fading complexion. And the worst part is, I'm walked over. Constantly. It's like people put me there to prevent themselves from touching the hardwood floor. I don't even like feet! But that's all I ever feel. I can't even defend myself against the constant attack- I lack appendages. Really, I feel completely useless. I'm not even appreciated or admired anymore. I'm just there.
One day I'd just like to swallow my owners whole.