Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Assignment 26- Genghis Goodman

This class was extremely relaxed. Most of the time I felt as if we weren't really doing anything in english, sometimes we would just watch youtube videos for the last 15 minutes of class. Being in Mrs. Dewees' class, as well as AP Chem and other intense classes, I was unsure if I was being prepared enough for the AP test. However, practice test after Practice test, and essay after essay my scores increased. It didn't feel like it in class but I was actually getting better. I consider myself to be very math and science oriented, however going to english class at times felt like a relief compared to some of my other classes, even though I am significantly better in other subject areas. Before I got to AP English, I thought that when it comes to AP courses, they could either be relaxed and calm, or they could adequately prepare you for the AP test. I feel like this class had both qualities, which I appreciated.

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