Wednesday, May 28, 2014

assignment 25 siobhan

Isn't interesting and perplexing that someone will never fully understand your thoughts? You may be able to translate your thoughts into complex language to more accurately convey them, but no one will ever understand your thoughts in their naked and natural beginning. Its a frustrating yet reassuring thought. Frustrating in the sense that as literarily advanced and adept you are, you can still never completly tell someone else a thought in its purest form. Instead its infiltrated with common conversation and polluted by a language that lacks words with certain specific meanings. A thought is never in its purest form once it has been communicated. To me, its quite a discearning realization. You will never completely understand the person's thoughts next to you, and they will never understand yours. It becomes a whole new level of a communication barrier, that not only people of different languages experience but also people of the same language. It's a thought barrier

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