Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Assignment 18 - Max Morris

High School - Get into a quality college, get passable grades, other generic garbage, I'm mostly waiting until I'm out of college to actually accomplish things.
College- Travel out of the country, meet interesting new people, create some piece of creative work that I can be proud of, make an impact in the world, drive across the country, get a series of tattoos.
Life - Live.

I've never been into the idea of a bucket list, despite its affiliation with Jack Nicholson. I prefer to sort of just take on life as it comes with several major goals in mind. If you base your life solely on fun experiences like skydiving or other such common bucket list activities, then your life is defined by a series of exciting incidents instead of just one big worthwhile life. That being said, I do have one very specific thing I've wanted to accomplish since I was a boy, and that is building a life-size model of Disney World's Haunted Mansion. I know that is very unlikely to happen, but the ride means very much to me, as it was one of the most joyful experiences of my childhood, and every time I ride it, and there's been dozens, a nostalgic rush goes through my body. It would be ideal to be able to replicate this without a trip to the hellhole that is Florida. I also would like to get a tattoo of the character Max from Where the Wild Things Are. I am named after this character, and the book was my favorite as a child, so it is of monumental relevance to me. I still look up to Maurice Sendak as a creative hero.

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