Friday, May 30, 2014

21- Taylore Jordan

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe, there is a family in an undeveloped country. A family who struggles everyday to put food on the table, a roof over their heads, and smiles on each other's faces. These families are no different than ours, fundamentally. They have the love (if not, more of it) that we share with each other. They just may not live as long to be able to prove it. They may become ill or die from starvation. While these families are working in the heat of the day, all day long making $1 a day and you are sitting in an office typing away making $40 an hour, and you waste at least half of the food that you make and buy. Our society takes way too much for granted, and we have the over-abundance of goods to thank for that. Americans (and everyone else in the world, really) need to think of others in the world who are not as fortunate as they are, and perhaps find a way to help them and to give back. They have more than they need, after all.

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