Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assignment 25: Taylore Jordan

I can't even get my mind to think freely about much else besides school at the moment; so that's what I'll spend my minimum of 150 words ranting about. Snow days have really exhausted everyone- not just now, but the inpredictability of having school have made completing assignments and preparing adequately for AP tests more difficult than they would have been. It is so hard to stay organized at this time of year as we are doing so much, but nothing at all. Days at school now consist of watching videos and the backs of my eyelids and I am trying to find an explanation for why I seem to have so much work outside of school. Not only am I stressing myself out completing the assignments for the end of this school year and getting older ones in to salvage my grade, but I am stressing out planning my senior year. Oh, the perks of being in the Academy. I value this program for preparing me for college and for the future in more ways than I could have done myself, but it seems that I hardly ever get a break when a break is due. I have tasks and projects and summer reading and next year's mentoring project on a constant loop in my brain and I feel like it's going to explode. After high school is all said and done, I'll be attending at least four years of college. Then after that, I'll be spending hours out of nearly every day of my life after that until I retire working. But maybe I'm getting too ahead of myself. On the shorter term: where is the summer BREAK I was promised?

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