Friday, May 30, 2014

Assignment 26 (feedback)- Isaac Satin

The practice tests, both multiple choice and essays, were helpful for the AP test. The packets about what the essays were were not as helpful; seeing what they were supposed to look like was good but reading about what and what not to do only created confusion for me. Also, the last few essays we wrote were not graded in time for the AP test, so while writing them was useful practice I did not know whether I wrote them well or not which would have been helpful. As for the peer grading of the essays I found the turnitin grading to be the most effective; when it was done in a full classroom discussion people often wrote identical or similar things so the feedback was less varied and therefore less helpful. Lastly, I enjoyed the Socratic Seminars, but the some of the pieces we analyzed for them did not lend themselves to a long discussion, so it would be good if you or whoever the student teacher at the time is to look at the pieces before they are assigned to be sure that they are able to sustain classroom discussion for the full hour.

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