Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assignment 25 - Katy Estes

Since I just had a very fun weekend, I'll write about that. This past Memorial Day weekend, I was in Chicago for a debate tournament. Of course to many that sounds terrible or boring, but it was nothing of the sort. It was exciting and fun and I had the best time with my team.
I actually only debated on Saturday, but it was ALL DAY long. I had to wake up at 4:30 after only getting 3 hours of sleep, and then had to be awake for the next 22 hours and argue with people. My partner and I didn't do very well, but that was to be expected. You see, this tournament was the Nationals of speech and debate. Teams from all across the nation came to Chicago this weekend in hopes for titles and trophies. In total, there were 232 groups in my debate type. We only went up against 5 and our record is still not certain.
The best part about the weekend, though, was seeing the city. Chicago is probably the biggest city I had ever been in and it was amazing. The buildings are huge and you can barely see the sky because of them. But the fact that everything is so close and in walking distance is amazing. We visited a museum, a pier, a beach, and a downtown wing stop all in 1 day. It was an amazing experience with a great team.

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