Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Assignment 24- Andy

I think I can confidently say that this year has been one of the best of my life. I feel like everything is coming together. As we prepare and are prepared for college and the real world more and more of our efforts and hard work begins to manifest itself in everything we do. The more I look back at old blog post and writing assignments the more I see colossal improvement not only in myself but in my classmates as well. Over the past year I have also been able to contribute to community in ways I never thought I could. I have been able to attain the rank of Eagle Scout, lead and improve my Boy Scout Troop, and be a speaker at an expo. I have made new friends and, unfortunately, grown away from others. This next year I plan to continue with my interests and hobbies and find new ones. I also wish to leave a lasting positive impact on Henry Clay and my community. I hope to rekindle old relationships and seek new ones. Most importantly I plan on enjoying my last year of High School.

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