Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assignment 25- Omer

On Friday, after school, I went home. I sat at my computer for a couple of minutes until I got a text message from the president. How do I know it was from the president? The phone turned into a miniature Barack Obama and instructed me to go outside. I asked the little guy why I should trust him, he kicked me in the shoe, and my shoe turned into Barack Obama. So I went outside and looked around, and I saw a UFO hovering over my moms car. Mini Barack jumped onto my shoulder and whispered something to me. I did as he said, and threw him at the spacecraft, and it turned into Barack Obama. The spaceship Obama stepped on my mom's car, so I scolded him. He got very sad and started to cry. The soil under him became soaked with water, and every grass blade turned into Barack Obama. Then they all got into spaceship Obama's hand and flew away. Just kidding, I played tennis on Friday.

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