Sunday, October 13, 2013

Julian P. assignment 8

Writing Territories
Fears: Being unhappy.
Annoyances: Unreliability and any time that a sad song starts up, destroying my good mood.
Accomplishments: Being (hopefully) a reliable Kroger "associate" for more than a few months, Teaching myself to play instruments, and having good grades.
Confusions: Life. Why assumptions are ever assumed to be true. Justin Bieber's hit single, "Baby."
Sorrows: How motivation and time management are two things I'll never understand.
Dreams: Having the chance to travel, being happy.
Idiosyncrasies: Literal addiction to music (figuratively, of course). Being vegan. Using too many parentheses (in writing).
Risks: Stayed in some trashy town on the border of Mexico, near Guatemala, where I almost got my phone stolen. Climb mountainous areas too steep to safely climb as much as I possibly can.
Beloved Possessions: Then- My old dogs, I guess. I don't have many beloved "possessions."  Now- Definitely my kitties.
Problems: Organization and time management (oddly enough, both of these are only problems in school).

Animals are the best. Pets are OK, but animals are where it's at. They're hip, they're a hit, they're legit, they're it. It's really interesting, though, because the only difference between the two is the how. If I were to ask you how you got your puppy, you'd probably say you picked him up from 'the shelter downtown," but I find it an unnecessary middle man. Most, if not all, of my "pets" come from random crossing of paths. What I mean by this is that, rather than going to the rescue shelter, I've rescued them myself. Take my two kittens, as an example. One, I had noticed, used to wander around my neighbor's cat when he would let it out. Eventually, after discerning that the cat had no real home, we decided to take this strange new cat in. This loving animal has a bond with me and my family that we couldn't give to a rescue shelter cat. This cat is more personal. This cat, we've spared the trauma of the rescue shelter. The same goes for my two dogs, one of which fought through cancer with our loving support. These animals are my family. I didn't pick them. They picked me. Jazz found me down at Rockcastle River. Clyde wandered into my life just two years ago, right in my front yard. I love both of them more than any animal I picked out as if I were in a shop. They mean more to me, now and then, and in my future, than anything else I can possibly think of.

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