Sunday, October 20, 2013

Assignment 9- Taylore Jordan

I do think there is a time for war; there always has been. It's hard to approach issues on a global scale between nations of people with so many differing ideas. The voice of the people is powerful- when there are issues at hand, many will push towards starting war. It may be to harm the other side, or simply to just come to a solution. I would argue that "drastic times cause for drastic measures".
While war, to me, would appear to be inevitable and even unavoidable, I do not think it is morally just. When would the slaughtering of thousands of people ever be morally just? When I think of war, I think of all of the bombing and killing and bloodshed that takes place. So many people see our world as a place of unity and cohesion, but we mustn't forget that in this same world, God's children are killing one another. I don't need reasoning or justification for the cause of the war, murder on such a large scale will never be justifiable to me.
All countries have a right to go to war, but to say that a country would ever have a "responsibility" seems a bit of a stretch to me. "You choose your own battles", so I've heard. I do feel, however, that countries will feel responsible for entering in conflict. After the Revolutionary War (in which French aided the U.S.), the U.S. felt obliged to enter in the conflicts going on during the French Revolution (as an attempt to "give back", perhaps feeling like we owed them something for the victory). The U.S., with George Washington in office as president at the time, knew that our country was too young and lacking to enter any more battles. Many felt it was a responsibility, but clearly it was a matter of choice.
There are definitely alternatives to going to war; ones that don't cause bloodshed or millions of dollars or people to be unhappy. They may take more time and they may seem tedious, but I promise you... there still are patient people left in this world who have faith in our system. What ever happened to a little compromising? Coming to a consensus? Pleasing both sides? Going to war is the impatient route. I'm not saying we should all hold hands around the fire and sing Kumbayah after we've hugged out our issues, but can we not come to some compromise, at least over most issues? If the compromise would work and settle the issue, it would be so much more effective. Each side could get a piece of what they want without lives lost or hatred to follow.

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