Saturday, October 5, 2013

Assignment 7 - Jacquelyn Engel

Over 60 events that date back more than 1,000 years ago, and it all occurred on one day.... Ocotober 1st. From wars to amusement park openings, the events range from about anything. On this day in 1890, Congress established Yosemite National Park. This park contains a various amount of plants, animals, streams, and geysers. Not only are these located here, but they are also preserved and protected. Yosemite also brought tourism to America. Many people far and near come to view and appreciate the natural beauty Yosemite has to offer. Ironically, Yosemite is closed currently closed. In fact, all national parks are closed due to the US Government shut down. This event occurred just a few days ago on October 1, 2013. Because of the Obamacare/Affordable healthcare, the government has cut their budget. In this case, most government funded businesses should be closed, but only national parks are. This event completely cuts off the tourism. While I would love to visit Yosemite, I'm glad it will be another time because none of the tourists are able to see it. These two events clash; one event is beneficial and appreciated by all while another is just an annoyance.

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