Monday, October 14, 2013

Assignment 8: Catherine Curtright

Fears: getting my leg pulled down the stairs by whatever unknown person might be in the basement, heights (except for roller coasters)
Annoyances: wearing a retainer; when every radio station is playing commercials instead of music at once; when my car passenger won't sing along with my music
Accomplishments: surviving the high ropes course at camp, learning how to surf, can drive a stick shift
Confusions: why people continue to bother you when you directly tell them to stop (i.e. "Please stop poking me.")
Sorrows: being forced to move during Junior year
Dreams: I don't have any exotic dreams.  I want to go to a SEC university, get married, and live happily ever after...
Idiosyncrasies: double jointed thumbs and big toe
Risks: So many of the things I do at YL camp are very risky and out of the box for me (i.e. zip lining, high ropes course, mountain biking, etc)
Beloved Possessions: (Then) American Girl Dolls & (Now) My Home
Problems: Procrastination

Allow me to talk about things that annoy me...  I had braces for almost four years, and I got them off last Wednesday.  I hated my braces.  When they were finally gone, I was ecstatic, but, now, I have to wear this goofy retainer that makes me have a lisp.  That. Bugs.  It is especially bothersome when you are meeting people and can hardly talk.
Radio issues can really get on my nerves as well.  On many mornings, I get into my car expecting to listen to some tunes that will pump me up for the coming school day because I usually need a little boost.  However, when I get in the car, it seems to be my luck that every radio station decides to advertise at the same time.  No music for me... Then, if I am blessed enough that there is music for me to listen to, I cannot get the girl I drive to school to sing along to the radio.  I love to sing out loud, but if my passenger won't sing too, it gets awkward very quickly.

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