Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assingment 8 - Jacquelyn Engel

Fears: worms, paranormal activity Annoyances: people who don’t understand personal space, nosy people, disorganization Accomplishments: made it over half way through school Confusions: math, family members (1st cousin, 3rd cousin twice removed, etc) Sorrows: keeping grades up Dreams: get a job, work in the Peace Corps Idiosyncrasies: reading Risks: eat seafood Beloved Possessions: my stuffed animal, my dog Problems: Procrastination Fall is a great time of the year; it’s full of fun events and holidays, and everything is really pretty. I love fall, but at the same time, I’m a bit apprehensive for it. The only reason I don’t like fall is because of Halloween. Now, I still love Halloween, but all the endless scary events that occur really put me on edge. I’m not a fan of any scary things which includes; ghosts, demons, murders, and any other paranormal activity. Unfortunately, Halloween encompasses all of those. Each year around Halloween, every single channel shows some sort of Halloween-scary type related program. Not all channels shows super scary shows, but channels such as Discovery, FX, TBS, and even ABC sometimes shows life-scarring shows. ABC aired IT: The Scary Clown, and I watched the entire movie. I wasn’t able to take a shower or brush my teeth without staring at the drains in horror for a good month. I love fall, but all these frightening and creepy events, shows, and what not really hampers my enjoyment for this season.

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