Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 8 - Drew

Fears: Umm, probably my biggest fear is having to attend the funeral of someone close to me who died young and there having been something I could've done to prevent their death, some little sign I missed or some little sacrifice I didn't make.
Annoyances: Disruptions of most kinds tend to annoy me, especially in class (although by this point in my education most of those have gone away), and people doing other people's jobs in some collaborative activity (and within that I'll put people getting a big head due to some accolade or recognition).
Accomplishments: Other than getting into the Academy (which at this point doesn't seem a big achievement) and my two fives on the two AP exams I have taken, all of my other accomplishments have something to do with band.
Confusions: I'm often confused by the actions and beliefs of the radical political right, but let's not get into that.
Sorrows: I can't say I have many of those...I wish I had been slightly more diligent about classwork and homework Freshman year and during parts of last year, but that's about it.
Dreams: I guess the biggest dream of mine is to find out what I want to do when I grow up, specifically in the career area.
Idiosyncrasies: There are many. Enough said.
Risks: I don't know that I am in any way a risk taker; the most risky thing I've done to this point in my life is ride the Vortex at King's Island. I'm not that hardcore.
Beloved Possessions: My stuffed panda bear Fuzzy and my green blanket (then); my stuffed panda bear Fuzzy, my green blanket, and my concert clarinet (now).
Problems: Probably not worth listing, as they are minute and not worth complaining about.

So, I'd like to elaborate on the whole, "people doing other people's jobs in some collaborative activity (and within that I'll put people getting a big head due to some accolade or recognition)" thing. Those of you who don't want to hear a spiel on marching band should stop reading at this point. Basically, this is referring to marching band exclusively. There is a pretty clear leadership structure in marching band: the directors are first, the drum majors are second, section leaders are third, seniors are third and a half, and then is everyone else is there (juniors have a slightly elevated position among the everyone else, but not really, unless of course they or any other member of this category of "everyone else" happens to fall into one of the previous categories). In previous years and during this year, various people have taken it upon themselves to go above and beyond their leadership position, and while that is an admirable sentiment, it not only makes them look bossy but also hurts the group morale and cohesion. It really ticks me off when people exceed their bounds, and at this point I'm going to stop because I feel like I'm doing a poor example of demonstrating my particular frustration regarding this topic.

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