Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 8- Margaret Cashman

Fears- Big bodies of water, crickets and grasshoppers
Annoyances- long fingernails, close-minded people
Accomplishments- grades, sports accomplishments, having a poem published
Confusions- how people can’t grasp that everyone is equal, it’s quite a simple concept.
Sorrows- insane procrastination, really bad time management
Dreams- to have a job where it doesn’t feel like going to work everyday 
Idiosyncrasies- I turn my head to the side when ever I’m concentrating really hard
Risks- getting into the college of my dreams, skydiving
Beloved Possessions- my blanket (don’t laugh) and all of my books
Problems- procrastination, short fuse, over thinking EVERYTHING

I guess I’ll talk about my fears. Both my fear of big bodies of water and crickets are irrational. (crickets and grasshoppers are synonymous in my mind by the way) There is nothing in my past that explains my fears, no tragic boat accident or cricket infestation. I really have no idea where they came from, but I do know that my fear of water did heighten after I watched Titanic. To this day I have a hard time getting on boats and I wouldn’t go on a cruise to save my life. There is not enough money in the world to make me go on a cruise, especially with all of the cruise ships capsizing and whatnot nowadays. No for my fear of crickets, I didn’t even know that existed until 7th grade zoology class. Anyone in that class remembers the day we had to dissect grasshoppers. Not just any grasshopper, but GIANT grasshoppers as big as my hand. I took one look at them and burst into tears and left the room. The teacher couldn’t quite understand why I couldn’t stand them, but she let me write a paper instead of dissect one. For some reason they freak me out terribly, I can’t even see/hear one without hyperventilating. 

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