Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 8-Garrett Uebelhor

Fears: Not being happy in life, choosing a job/career which I don’t like.
Annoyances: People who breathe heavily during tests, the amount of homework I get.
Accomplishments: Having a decent GPA
Confusions: How some people can say they don’t understand things and be confident that it’s the teacher’s fault, when they don’t do the assigned homework.
Sorrows: The almost non-existent free time I have, having to leave behind things you care about.
Dreams: Be happy in life and have good friends and relationships.
Idiosyncrasies: Loving to argue so much I constantly argue the opposite of what I even believe.
Risk: Jumping off 20-30 foot cliffs into water, doing high ropes courses, repelling
Beloved Possessions: car, my last 20 dollars
Problems: Sitting down to study

So out of the so called “territories” the easiest one for me to write about is how annoying loud breathing is. 
 First of let me just say it definitely impairs my learning and test taking success.  Some people can focus with the TV on and music blaring let me just say I am not one of these people. As a result of this any little thing may set my mind of on a time wasteful tangent. When I’m taking a test, studying, etcetera. When someone is breathing loudly not only can I not focus, the sound just annoys me. It makes part of me want to stand up yell some cuss words and throw things. I would consider it a educated guess to say my blood pressure goes up a good 20 points in these situations.  I am really not trying to sound mean because I know everyone gets stuffy noses and such, but seriously the sound they make is about the most annoying thing I have ever heard. Nails on a chalk board…not a problem.  Loud breathing, you are now on my short list of people I hate.

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