Sunday, October 13, 2013

Assignment 8 Gibbs

Fears: Heights, unavoidable oblivion, not making any difference, not being happy, being annoying 
Annoyances: Being late, self-imposed ignorance, people who do not care
Accomplishments: Decent GPA, not killing my sisters, books I've read
Confusions: How people can give up easily, anything to do with math, why we are alive
Sorrows: my incredible ability to procrastinate, thinking too much
Dreams: Find a job that makes me happy and enables me to feel accomplished, like I am making a difference; write a book (big dream), have a family
Idiosyncrasies: Reading when I should be doing home work 
Risks: I am a very cautious person
Beloved Possesions: My family and friends, my books, my phone, tennis shoes and other workout stuff
Problems: Concentrating on things I don't find interesting, procrastination, overthinking 

I will elaborate on one of my fears, that of oblivion. Almost every day I think about this-how what I am going right now won't matter in 1000 years, or probably even in 109 years. I find this a very scary idea. The fact that we as individuals will not matter that much in the long run, that no one will remember or care me in 1000 years freaks me out. Being afraid of some thing like oblivion also brings in a whole host of other problems and questions. If no one will remember me why should I try to be important? Should I try to be important? What is the point? I have to remind myself not to think about this fear too much because it could drive anyone crazy. But I don't have that much control over it because it's what I'm afraid of and those ideas don't usually go away easily. 

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