Sunday, October 20, 2013

Assignment 9- Margaret Cashman

In my opinion, yes, there is a time for war. I don’t think war should be used unless it is a last resort, though. When the Germans, more specifically Hitler, were exterminating the Jews in WWII, was it not America’s responsibility to step in a stop the genocide? Now I’m not saying saving the Jews was the main reason we entered WWII, but I do think it was America’s moral obligation to do everything in its power to save them from quite literally their hell on earth. While war caused people to commit evil crimes, I do not think it is evil in itself. War essentially comes from a conflict between two entities that has been terribly exaggerated, and conflict in itself is not evil. Conflict is a difference in wants, and just because I may want gay-marriage to be legal and you may not, the difference itself is not evil. How we act on those differences is where the evil stems from. There are a multitude of different ways to solve conflicts, but when it gets to the point where both parties are pointing guns at each other, it seems those other ways didn’t quite get the job done. Yes, examining why each party wants different things and how to compromise on those in theory is a great idea, sometimes people are so blinded by what they think is the right idea or way to act that their stubbornness prevents them from reaching a middle ground. These are the times where war can be effective, but it should only be an absolute last resort option. So yes I think there is a time and place for war, but war should not be treated casually because it can revolutionize the world we live in. 

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