Sunday, October 20, 2013

Assignment 9-Thomas

I have always thought of war as a last resort, only used when people have tried all other alternatives to solve an issue. It’s sad that we have to resort to mass murder for a solution, but I believe there are some times when it is necessary. For example, how did America gain independence? Though it was a brutal war with many casualties on both sides, it paved the way for the formation of the greatest country in the world and gave countless people in the future an opportunity to make a living. Without the war, we would have remained British and might still be today, and so it’s hard to say that the fighting wasn’t worth it (for me, at least, because I just reaped the benefits without doing any of the work). I never think it is a moral decision to go to war, because everyone would rather get what they want and still keep the lives of thousands or millions of soldiers. But, when there is a disagreement and one side feels passionate enough to make that sacrifice, then they forgo the moral choices in hopes of improving the future for the country. Personally, I am not a fan of the United States interfering in other country’s wars. We have too much to focus on in our country (economy!!!) to be spending billions of dollars (that we don’t have) on a cause that hardly affects us directly.

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