Sunday, February 9, 2014

Blog 19- Genghis Goodman

"you won't remember the nights you got plenty of sleep"
I'm not sure if this is the exact quote or not, but you get the point. This quote is like YOLO, except better, because most people just use YOLO to do stupid things, plus to me saying "you only live once" implies you should live a very conservative life to make sure you don't screw up your only life, but I digress. People are naturally inclined to stay with in their comfort zone, choose sleep over some sort of activity, or relaxing at home over going out. I used to be like that, preferring a good nights sleep over a lot of things, however I've realized that you can always sleep, but opportunities to go out and actually do something exciting can sometimes be scarce. And because of this realization I've created some amazing memories and experiences that would other wise have never existed. Obviously the use of discretion is important, but when I make a decision to go out or stay in, I often think of "will I remember this night 6 months from now when I watched netflix and went to bed early, or will I remember this night 6 months from now when I went out and did ..."

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