Sunday, February 9, 2014

Assignment 19- Sepehr Piltan

"Do what makes you happy"
My dad told me this a long time ago, I thought I knew exactly what he was talking about back then, but I was little, it wasn't till i got a bit older when I fully grasped the true meaning of it. I mean yeah, everyone wants to be happy, but will they do everything they can to be happy? I think that's what my dad was trying to tell, do whatever it takes to be happy, because if you're not enjoying the life you're living, whats the point of it. Everyone has different things that makes them happy, and they should pursue that not matter what obstacles lay ahead of them. Do what you love to do and don't ever let anyone stop you from doing it. You probably have heard this many time, but did you ever take it seriously? You should.

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