Sunday, February 23, 2014

Assignment 18- Andy

High School
Get a pilot's license
Become skilled with the dulcimer
Be President of a club
Get good grades
Make a lasting impact on the community I grew up in

Study abroad
Choose a career that I love
Be open to new experiences and ideas

Start a Family
See the world
Live in a different country for a time
Continuing playing instruments
Maintain a life-long hobby
Stay involved with the Church
Hike Mount McKinley (or some equally grand expedition)
Stay involved in Boy Scouts
Buy a house
Take an active part in my community

A few months ago I would have chosen attaining the rank of Eagle Scout as my biggest goal in high school, but since I have recently been awarded the rank I will write about another, similar, goal. Throughout the rest of my time in high school I would like to make a difference in my community. Although I would like to think I have made a good start I believe that there are many ways that I, and all teenagers, can improve the lives of those around us. For my time in college and my young adult years I do not have a specific goal in mind, but a certain way that I would like to embrace life. Many people say that college is the time to experience life to its fullest and find yourself, so my goal is to be open to and seek out new experiences in everything I do. The most important goal I have in life is to start a family. Not only is this my biggest goal, but I also expect it to be one of the hardest. No matter what happens in my life family will come before everything else.

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