Sunday, February 23, 2014

Assignment 20 How to Make an Omelet- Schuler Ravencraft

Not sure what you want to eat for breakfast this morning? Here are a few easy steps to making a delicious and healthy egg white omelet!
 Step 1: First off you need to gather your ingredients. This could consist of either real eggs in which you would need to eventually separate out the yolks, butter (to grease the pan), salt, pepper, cheese, ham, mushroom, sausage,spinach, really just whatever you'd like.

Step 2: Now that you have out your ingredients it is time to turn the oven on and place the frying pan on the stove. I typically set the stove top to about a medium/ high temperature.

Step 3: After turning on the stove, I place a pad of butter into the pan to grease it, preventing the omelet from sticking.

Step 4: Now it is time to put in your egg whites. If you are using actual eggs, you will first need to crack the eggs. Once cracked you will separate out the yolks.You do this by transferring the yolk from each half of the cracked egg letting only the whites slide through into the pan. However it is much easier to use egg beaters eggs whites, in which the yolks are already separated and found in a carton ready to be poured in the pan.

Step 5: Let the whites cook for a little bit until they start to become slightly solidified. Once they appear to be less runny, add your fillings into half of the omelet. 

Step 6: Once the side with out the topping appears to be pretty well cooked it is time to flip it. Take a spatula under the side without toppings and flip it over.

Step 7: Now that the omelet is folded let it cook until it appears to be cooked through.

Step 8: SInce it is now cooked through, it is time to place it on a plate and enjoy!

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