Sunday, February 9, 2014

Assignment 18-Gibbs McKinley

The number one thing on my bucket list for high school is to go to Paris. Hopefully, this will happen during my senior spring break but you never know! I'll definitely have to work on saving up some money, which I guess is part of the goal. I am absolutely in love with the idea of Paris and everything in it. There are so many stories and so much history in the one place, so I would love to experience it as soon as possible. 
Number one on my college list is, without a doubt, to travel as much as possible. I guess there's kind of a theme here. However, during college I would like to make my travels much more extensive. Some of the places I am most interested in visiting/studying in are England, Australia, Wales, Amsterdam, and Russia. I know Russia may sound a little weird but I have always been fascinated by their culture. I would love to be able to study Russian literature and spend a semester or summer over there. 
The top goal 
on my bucket list for life is to have a family. Any kind of family. I want to get married if it works out and have kids, but I don't care how many. I want to find love. 
I just want to have people there for me in my old age-I never want to be lonely. Being lonely is one of my biggest fears and having a solid family would push this fear aside and make it insignifigant. 

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