Sunday, February 9, 2014

Assignment 18- Genghis Goodman

Lists are not necessarily in order of priority
High school-
1.) Earn college credit for at least 10 classes
2.) Start a business
3.) decide on a college major
1.) Graduate top 5% of the class
2.) Choose a career
3.) Have the best 4 years of my life (so far)

1.) Own a yacht and a wine cellar
2.) Travel all over the world
3.) have children

1- It's hard to decide, but I guess my top priority for high school would be to decide on a college major. I've limited it down to two majors, Business/economics, or pharmacy. I enjoy the world of business and especially enjoy trading stocks, however I'm not sure if I would continue to enjoy it if it were my job. Plus I feel like when you major in economics, and venture to become a stock broker or an investment banker, it's a much riskier path then the field of pharmacy. Pharmacy is a very stable job and can almost guarantee an upper middle lifestyle, plus I would still be able to trade stocks even if I was a pharmacist, and be able to operate off of a fairly large principal. It's a tough decision, yet one I probably need to decide on before I go to college.

2- Again, its hard to pick a top priority, however I'll write on having the best four years of my life. Everybody always says college is the best years of your life, and although I believe I will continue to have "the best years of my life" after college, I expect college to be the best years of my life so far. When I go to college I will go from having a 7 hour school day with 1-2 hours o homework and 3 hours of swimming, to a 3-4 hour school day, plus I'll become almost completely independent. This seems like heaven to me, so much time to do whatever I want! Of course a lot of that free time will be focusing on my academics, college still seems like a lot of fun, especially if I join a frat.

3-I've told many of my friends that I would like to own a yacht and a wine cellar when I'm older, not because I especially like wine or I have a thing for boats, but because to me a yacht and a wine cellar are two luxury items that signify extreme financial freedom. A lot of people would characterize somebody as shallow or greedy when they say they would want a lot of money when they're older, or write about it as a top priority for life. However to me all money is is freedom, the ability to travel freely, not have to stress over finances, or even the freedom to fill a room with fancy wines. When I grow up I would love to live a reasonably unrestricted lifestyle, and although a yacht might not come before kids, living freely is still important to me.

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