Monday, February 10, 2014

Assignment 19

"Live a little, stop trying to be perfect and be grateful for what you do have." We hear these phrases constantly and I used to always blow them off until just recently. Last year I was pretty down, always worrying about doing the right thing, not making mistakes and always trying to do something better than the last. Worrying is one of my biggest flaws and took up a huge part of my life until one day I broke down and got few common words of advice. After hearing these words of advice I've slowly started to worry less, occasionally slipping up here and there but started looking at things in a more positive light. I started creating list about the positive things in my life, I set obtainable goals for myself and don't get so worked up when everything doesn't go the right way. We can't always be perfect, we can't live picture perfect lives and that's ok because we are all beyond lucky to live the lives we do. Worrying only hinders us; we just need to go with the flow a little more often and look at the glass half full rather than empty.

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