Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Assignment 20 - Drew
The biggest piece of advice I can give to anyone striving toward this noble goal is to do as little as possible while playing. This sounds counter intuitive, but very often clarinet players try WAY too hard to make a note come out the other end of the instrument. It's not that hard; the instrument is designed to work with as little human intervention as possible. You should only apply as much embouchure pressure as is needed to make a good sound, no more. Additionally, you should at no point make huge differences in said embouchure when playing, regardless of register, tempo, dynamic, etc. Your fingers should be as loose, as soft, and as natural as possible. Ultimately everything about you should be as relaxed as possible. Any tension in any part of your body will creep into the rest of your body and ultimately show up in your sound.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Assignment 20- Julian Perry
Assignment 20- Brittany
Then, you have to run into things. Somehow, you have to be the only one who didn’t see that giant pole in the middle of the hallway. You’re going to have to get over the shame and embarrassment of running smack into a complete stranger. Also, falling off and out of things will become normal if you are to be clumsy. Falling down a flight of stairs is always fun, but there are so many possibilities. You can fall off bleachers (although that one surprisingly hurts a lot more than you would think), off of roofs (good luck explaining why you were up there), and always out of your chair.
There is the public humiliation aspect, too, like face planting in front of an entire classroom or tripping over your own feet during a soccer game when no one was even touching you. Your friends will laugh at you and you will have bruises, but at least you’ll have many interesting stories.
Assignment 19- Brittany
Assignment 18- Brittany
20 Siobhan
Assignment 20 - Genghis Goodman
The Ancient Art of Stringing the Mountain Dulcimer
Playing the Mountain Dulcimer is a dying art. While very few people are proficient at this instrument, even fewer know how to restring one.
If you are removing and attaching strings, start from step 1. If you are only replacing broken or previously nonexistent strings start from step 3.
(If you don't already know these parts then give up.)
1) To remove old/frayed/dead strings you simply start by unwinding the tuning peg completely. The string will be free of the peg and you will be able to pull it out of the hole in the peg.
2) Now you can remove the string from the other end of the instrument. You should be able to just pull the string out of the corresponding hole in the tail of the instrument near the bridge.
3) When replacing the strings of your dulcimer you can use .33 mm acoustic guitar strings for the melody strings and the middle strings and .66 mm acoustic guitar strings for the bass string.
4) Push the non-coiled end of the string through the correct hole at the tail of the instrument. Pull it through until the coil is pushed up next to the hole. Make sure the string is going through the correct slots on the bridge and nut.
5) Now for the most challenging part: winding the new strings. Push the end of the string through the hole in the corresponding peg, wrap the string around the peg once (clockwise or counterclockwise depending on which string), and then tighten.
6) You are finally ready to tune the instrument. The most common tunings of the dulcimer are in the Ionian (D-A-A) and Mixolydian (D-A-D) modes. I prefer Mixolydian out of the two, in which you tune the melody strings to D, the middle string to A, and the base string to D.
7) You now know how to string a dulcimer, which you probably do not know how to play and never will. Good luck!
Assignment 20- Megan Woodrum
Some people place painting of some sort of unattainable level, when in reality it just takes practice and actually doing it like anything else. Start by making sure you have the paints (I recommend acrylic) and a canvas the size you wish. Before you start to try and tackle images just experiment with your paints, get familiar with your supplies. You should try and make painting color pallets and just shapes and designs, just have fun with your paints. After you have practiced controlling your strokes and the colors you have mixed you can try and paint actual picture, I wouldn't start with like anything living but with maybe some basic landscapes or still lifes. Lay down the basic shapes of your image with your basic back ground first, acrylic is an opaque paint so you can layer it easily. Slowly as you add each layer you add more and more detail, work in the shadows and highlights, these are important for giving your picture depth. Basically anyone can paint, the more you paint the better you get. Note that if you get into more complex paintings you will probably want to draw or sketch the image onto your canvas first. Also note that experimenting is key, you won't get anywhere unless you take risks and push yourself.
How to have your personal space violated by Andy - Assignment 20 - Omer
Over your sophomore year, stay vaguely friends with him, and hold the occasional conversation. You shouldn't become his best friend, but try to stay appropriately close.
You will lose your rights to a personal bubble during your junior year, in a class run by a "Matt." Matt may seem like a nice enough guy, but don't let him get to you. He alone will decide your fate. For those of you with a last name beginning with the letter "H," may God be with you. You will be seated next to Andy, and your space will slowly be taken from you. You pray that Matt will be punished for what he has done, but to no avail.
You ask him nicely at first. You give him a light nudge on his side. But nothing works. On good days, you get 1/3 of your table. Nothing but brute force gets you anywhere. You grow tired of the constant struggle to maintain your half of the table. Eventually, your options become limited. You see no way out of the constant lack of space. You cry for help, but no one believes you. " Andy's awesome," they say. "He's so funny," they claim. Those who believe you who have gone through the pain themselves. But they stay silent. They fear him.
You must wait until the year ends to start healing your personal space bubble. Summer comes, and you feel better. Senior year begins; you feel confident and very safe in your little bubble. But then you see Andy. He sits next to you and greets you, asking about your summer. You reciprocate. Maybe he's changed. You mentally forgive him for the pain he's caused you. Weeks into the school year, you begin to feel something. Someone is draining something from you. You maintain dominance over 16% of your table. But it's to late. Only now do you realize. There is no salvation There is no escape. There is only Andy.
Assignment 20- Thomas
Assignment 19- Andy
Assignment 18- Andy
Get a pilot's license
Become skilled with the dulcimer
Be President of a club
Get good grades
Make a lasting impact on the community I grew up in
Study abroad
Choose a career that I love
Be open to new experiences and ideas
Start a Family
See the world
Live in a different country for a time
Continuing playing instruments
Maintain a life-long hobby
Stay involved with the Church
Hike Mount McKinley (or some equally grand expedition)
Stay involved in Boy Scouts
Buy a house
Take an active part in my community
A few months ago I would have chosen attaining the rank of Eagle Scout as my biggest goal in high school, but since I have recently been awarded the rank I will write about another, similar, goal. Throughout the rest of my time in high school I would like to make a difference in my community. Although I would like to think I have made a good start I believe that there are many ways that I, and all teenagers, can improve the lives of those around us. For my time in college and my young adult years I do not have a specific goal in mind, but a certain way that I would like to embrace life. Many people say that college is the time to experience life to its fullest and find yourself, so my goal is to be open to and seek out new experiences in everything I do. The most important goal I have in life is to start a family. Not only is this my biggest goal, but I also expect it to be one of the hardest. No matter what happens in my life family will come before everything else.
Assignment 20- Garrett Uebelhor
One important skill in life many people don't have is the ability to play online shooting games like Call of Duty. So here is a clear well thought out guide on how to becomw that expert cod player you have always wanted to be.
Step 1- First you need to pick a class, as a beginner go through the already prepared classes and pick one at random, because no matter which class you pick no-life cod players are going to continuously kill you and ruin the experience any way.
Step 2 - Learn how to listen to a bunch of eleven year olds experiment with trash talking and cuss words in high pitched brain numbing voices.
Step 3- Hold right bumper until a grenade blows up and you kill yourself. Better you then someone else, right?
Step 4- Decide maybe you are going to try and kill another person in the game.
Step 5- Right before you get the kill make sure your internet connection lags and get killed by the other player unfairly.
Step 6- Curse activision, infinity ward, who ever created the game until you feel better.
Step 7 - Repeat steps 4-6 until you feel like breaking your fist on one of the walls in your house.
Step 8- Enjoy your entry into the wonderful world of COD! :)
Assignment 20-Eliot Smith
First, make sure that your appearance reflects that of someone who just does not care. Utilize oversized, baggy clothing and be sure not to shower. This will be crucial later in the process.
Now that we've covered the exterior requirements, we can now move onto the actual action that will earn you a spot on the regular Henry Clay student's line of gossip.
When you ponder the possibility of being hated by every one of your peers, a large list of nefarious activities comes to mind; however, it is much, much simpler than that. What you will be doing is standing. Not just standing next to the bathroom or in a classroom, you will need to find the most populated hallway in the school, locate the intersection, and stand right in the middle. While standing, pay as little attention as possible to those heckling you.
You now can just watch as the number of people that detest you rises exponentially--congratulations! And the cherry on top of the whole experience? Everyone walking by you gets to smell your natural stench.
I truly hope this guide aided you in your endeavors.
Assignment 20 - Hannah Pulley
Assignment 20 How to Make an Omelet- Schuler Ravencraft
Assignment 21: Right Now
At this very moment, somewhere in the universe...
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, March 9th at 11:59 pm
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Assignment 19 - Omer
What effect does it have on me? Whenever it randomly pops into my head, it de-stresses me. A guy who made a claim like that to be held in high regards means that i might turn out okay. Yea, he was joking, but he meant a part of it, and that has stuck with me.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Assignment 19 - Max Morris
I've received so much great advice in my life that it's hard to narrow it down to just one, so instead I'll focus on some advice I received very recently that has already had a great effect on me, and in fact reduced by to tears. It occurred just last Friday at a fairly unlikely place and from quite an unlikely source: Kanye West. Now, I know a lot of people probably don't have much respect for Kanye because of the way the media likes to portray him as a petulant narcissistic jerk, but if you look past the tabloid headlines, there's a lot more to him than rants and reality star relationships. He is one of the only real boundary-pushing artists left in pop music, and his lyrics are full of inspiration and touching messages on his own struggles and insecurities. Because of this, he is my pop culture hero, both creatively and, despite his reputation, personally. Naturally, any piece of advice from him would mean a lot to me, and at his concert recently, I received just that. The whole 15 minute speech is a must-see, but if you don't have time for that, a few highlights are "There’s two type of people in the world: There’s dreamers and there’s haters. The only difference is one thing: Haters forgot about their dreams. Or better yet: Haters gave up on their dreams" and a segment about the fear of the embarrassment of failure that is hard to replicate in text. I understand that the usage of the word "hater" may already turn off some, but this advice really hit close to home, especially in that arena full of like-minded people. Kanye is a dreamer, and now he's made it to the top, while the "haters" are just sitting on their computers pathetically typing away childish insults about he and his wife. Hearing this from someone who really has made it to a level that I would like to creatively, this was a very powerful statement. I am already focussing on living my life more positively and to take heed and go for my goals. I live life based too much on fear of possible consequences, but you can only regret things that you haven't done. Sure, you may piss off a few people on the way, but so did Kanye, and look at him now. You may think he's a tool, you may think he's a loudmouth, you may even hate him, but he's the most critically acclaimed artist of the millennium, and you're just some schmuck sitting at home playing X-Box, so I doubt he, and the rest of the dreamers, care. Live life for yourself, not others, or you can never truly be happy.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Assignment 20-Gibbs
Sunday, February 16, 2014
assignment 19 - Katy
One thing to point out is that "one time" in cheer NEVER means only one time. It means numerous, perhaps tens of more times. But nevertheless, the words were comforting when I heard them from my cheer coaches. When I was feeling insecure or unsure about my abilities to fly or tumble, my coaches would help me. But they couldn't hold my hand forever. Instead, they then told me to try it one time by myself. And yes, sometimes that one time lead to me getting hurt, but more often than not, that one try lead to success. It was that one try that gave me the motivation to do "just one more time." And then that one would push me towards another, and so on until I had the confidence to do that skill without thought or hesitation. Without this piece of advice I would've never had risen to my place as captain of my cheer team.
My debate coach says the same thing to me now and I find it a little funny. I find this funny because I used to be told this so that I could do a physical skill, and now it is for w mental skill. Mr. Ray always seems to get me involved in events that I swear up and down I cannot do. When he signed me up for LD debate i told him I would fail. I recently won an entire tournament. I eon because Mr. Ray told me to try it once. And I immediately loved the feeling of arguing and debating topics. I felt large and powerful - something that does not come easily to a 5'1" blonde girl.
My parents have given me the same advice ever since they tried to convince me to try broccoli. Now the advice sticks with me when I am about to do something that makes me nervous.
In my perspective, the first time for anything is always going to be the scariest. That's inky because you have no experience and its new to you. I think that everyone should try what they need to accomplish one time. Do that will, that activity, that request, just one time and I promise it will get easier. Unless you are being asked to run a marathon , in which case I say train for that and don't hurt yourself.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Isaac- Assignment 19
This was the third item on one of my very favorite Cracked articles, and while that may not be the most technically romantic setting for me to find a piece of mindblowing advice that doesn't drain its pertinence. The matter of who to attribute the advice to Gladstone, the author of the article, or Hemingway, since the advice is a paraphrase from him, but for this particular topic the issue is moot.
Now, what is meant by "don't drain the well" is that you should stop writing before you've put everything you want to on the page. This was a novel idea to me when I first saw it, but upon reflection I was struck with the fact that I was much more prone to writer's block when returning to piece to expand upon upon it or revise it than I was initially writing it. So the advice from a column about how to be a better writer did in fact make me a better writer.
But then I began to consider other applications of this advice. Why not apply it to other areas I was less-than-spectacular at? You see, it's all based on what the well is for. For example, I often had trouble talking with friends because I didn't know what to say. So I decided to try to leave out discussing one or two things I wanted to talk about so that next time I would have a jumping-off point for conversation. This strategy works with exercise as well- get yourself motivated, then work out but don't completely exhaust yourself, that way you retain some motivation to exercise again the next day. The method probably has many more applications, but writing/creating, talking with people, and working out are the three things I've used it for so far. It's very useful, not to mention concise and poetic.
*For anyone curious, here's a link to the article: http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-best-pieces-writing-advice-i-didnt-get-in-school/
Assignment 18 - Omer
2. To be awesome, balance my life, and break down what I'm going to do for the rest of my life.
3. To actually live.
3- I know people say that frequently. "Don't be simply alive, but live" is an idea that gets thrown around. But I've put thought into it. I don't want to study for another decade, only to work for two decades, and finally retire and eventually die. Obviously, I desire a high paying job, but the uniformity of getting to it worries me. I want to travel the world. I want my life to be a story, one that's interesting, unexpected, dangerous, and fun.
As of now,my plans college, post grad, and so on gives me something to fall back on. As soon as I see reasonable opportunity, i'm taking it. What that opportunity might be, I don't know. But when it hits me, i'll be sure to take it and never look back.
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Assignment 19-Gibbs
Monday, February 10, 2014
Assignment 19
Assignment 19 Siobhan
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Assignment 19- Julian Perry
Assignment 19- Sepehr Piltan
My dad told me this a long time ago, I thought I knew exactly what he was talking about back then, but I was little, it wasn't till i got a bit older when I fully grasped the true meaning of it. I mean yeah, everyone wants to be happy, but will they do everything they can to be happy? I think that's what my dad was trying to tell, do whatever it takes to be happy, because if you're not enjoying the life you're living, whats the point of it. Everyone has different things that makes them happy, and they should pursue that not matter what obstacles lay ahead of them. Do what you love to do and don't ever let anyone stop you from doing it. You probably have heard this many time, but did you ever take it seriously? You should.
Assignment 19- Drew
- My parents
This is one of those cliche phrases every parent tells their child, whether they mean it or not. Unfortunately for me, my parents meant it.
See, many parents have expectations of their children, and my parents are no exception. You want your kid to have good grades and to be involved in something and to generally not suck at life. Many parents go above and beyond with their expectations, going as far as to basically dictate to them a career path. My parents have kept true to their cliche promise, however; they have attempted not to influence me in any way towards any career path whatsoever. Obviously there are certain unintended influences, like my heavy interest in engineering because my father and grandfather are engineers, and my early dreams of becoming a successful writer (don't worry: those dreams have been thoroughly suppressed) due to my mother's job as a copy editor, but beyond those, they have not influenced in any way possible.
Which stinks, at least for me. See, I'm one of those people who will do just about anything one asks of me, and do it well. If my parents had, since the moment I was born, told me I was going to someday grow up and become a basketball superstar, then it is very likely instead of reading as a child and wanting to gain knowledge I would've instead gone out and gotten good at basketball. Instead of writing this blog post, I would be outside in the snow shooting hoops or studying tapes of the greats like Larry Bird and Michael Jordan. Because of my lack of forced direction, I face a large decision in college: what shall I become? Because to be truthful, I could probably be relatively content doing anything. Perhaps my only true skill in this world is "making things work." If my parents told me I would go to, say, IU and study music, I could make it work. Or if I was to go to Purdue to study aeronautic engineering, I'd be on the next bus headed to life as a Boilermaker and future Boeing employee.
So in a way, I guess this whole post is me just whining about the biggest decision of my life. I should be thanking my parents for not heavily influencing my future, and I'm sure some time down the road when I've found my calling and become entrenched in it and working as a career in that field I will thank them for their insistence that they not force me to become the next Larry Bird or Dustin Pedroia or Martin Frost or Harry Reid. But until then, I think I will continue to lament their kind, caring, thoughtful decision.
Assignment 18- Drew
- Get my permit
- Make first chair clarinet @ HC
- Make All-State Band
- Learn to play alto sax and join jazz band
- Get a date
A bucket list for college:
- Engage in a brutal prank war with someone/some people
- Continue to study clarinet and keep up proficiency
- Suck less at grades (as opposed to the ones I've earned so far in high school)
- Fly an airplane
- See a baseball game in Fenway Park
- Watch the Patriots play at Gillette Stadium
- Creep out some other adults in an elevator
Blog 19- Genghis Goodman
I'm not sure if this is the exact quote or not, but you get the point. This quote is like YOLO, except better, because most people just use YOLO to do stupid things, plus to me saying "you only live once" implies you should live a very conservative life to make sure you don't screw up your only life, but I digress. People are naturally inclined to stay with in their comfort zone, choose sleep over some sort of activity, or relaxing at home over going out. I used to be like that, preferring a good nights sleep over a lot of things, however I've realized that you can always sleep, but opportunities to go out and actually do something exciting can sometimes be scarce. And because of this realization I've created some amazing memories and experiences that would other wise have never existed. Obviously the use of discretion is important, but when I make a decision to go out or stay in, I often think of "will I remember this night 6 months from now when I watched netflix and went to bed early, or will I remember this night 6 months from now when I went out and did ..."
Assignment 19- Kaylyn Torkelson
So it's not very specific to any situations, nor is it all that enlightening. It doesn't use any fancy language. What you see is what you get. But its helpful. Go for it is that push you need in any direction, even if it's not necessarily the right one at the right time. It inspires action, and if there's anything I need help with, it'd be action. I'm one of those think-a-lot-before-you-act, indecisive kinds of people, and go for it pushes me to finally make a decision. Most of the time I'm scared of the outcome, and everything turns out fine in the long run. It takes a certain force to push me to move or decide or act, whether I move forward or backward, make the wrong decision or the right one. But at least I'm making a decision. That's the hard part. Dealing with the fallout of a bad decision or the rewards of a good decision is just another part of living life. Life would suck if you always stayed in the same place. So go for it.
Assignment 19- Thomas
Assignment 18- Genghis Goodman
High school-
1.) Earn college credit for at least 10 classes
2.) Start a business
3.) decide on a college major
1.) Graduate top 5% of the class
2.) Choose a career
3.) Have the best 4 years of my life (so far)
1.) Own a yacht and a wine cellar
2.) Travel all over the world
3.) have children
1- It's hard to decide, but I guess my top priority for high school would be to decide on a college major. I've limited it down to two majors, Business/economics, or pharmacy. I enjoy the world of business and especially enjoy trading stocks, however I'm not sure if I would continue to enjoy it if it were my job. Plus I feel like when you major in economics, and venture to become a stock broker or an investment banker, it's a much riskier path then the field of pharmacy. Pharmacy is a very stable job and can almost guarantee an upper middle lifestyle, plus I would still be able to trade stocks even if I was a pharmacist, and be able to operate off of a fairly large principal. It's a tough decision, yet one I probably need to decide on before I go to college.
2- Again, its hard to pick a top priority, however I'll write on having the best four years of my life. Everybody always says college is the best years of your life, and although I believe I will continue to have "the best years of my life" after college, I expect college to be the best years of my life so far. When I go to college I will go from having a 7 hour school day with 1-2 hours o homework and 3 hours of swimming, to a 3-4 hour school day, plus I'll become almost completely independent. This seems like heaven to me, so much time to do whatever I want! Of course a lot of that free time will be focusing on my academics, college still seems like a lot of fun, especially if I join a frat.
3-I've told many of my friends that I would like to own a yacht and a wine cellar when I'm older, not because I especially like wine or I have a thing for boats, but because to me a yacht and a wine cellar are two luxury items that signify extreme financial freedom. A lot of people would characterize somebody as shallow or greedy when they say they would want a lot of money when they're older, or write about it as a top priority for life. However to me all money is is freedom, the ability to travel freely, not have to stress over finances, or even the freedom to fill a room with fancy wines. When I grow up I would love to live a reasonably unrestricted lifestyle, and although a yacht might not come before kids, living freely is still important to me.
Assignment 19-Eliot Smith
On the surface, I'm usually quiet. However, as soon as you're around me for prolonged periods of time, I will start to open up. This involves me talking. A lot.
I try to be funny during the vast majority of the time that I'm rambling. This humor, occasionally, involves pushing boundaries to a point where it's still comfortable, but still comedic. This becomes a problem when I push a tad too hard and actually break someone's boundaries.
This has happened a handful of times, one happening rather recently. I unknowingly poked fun at a certain part of someone's life of which they were insecure, and they basically broke down in front of me. I apologized over and over and the situation was eventually rectified, but I still felt horrible for what I had done.
I was told this quote after explaining the conflict to a friend, and realized how insanely applicable it was to my life. If I could have just shut my flapper before saying what I did, I could have spared the emotional damage afflicted to the victim and my embarrassment after it.
Humans as a race say some pretty stupid things. These range from Bill Clinton's famous "It depends upon what the meaning of the word "is" is" to Arnold Schwarzenegger's "I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman." We say things that upset others, make them laugh, and make them cry. If all of us, especially me, could learn when to shut up, the world would be a less cruel place.
Assignment 19 - Jonathan Tungate
This quote changed my life, because now whenever I make a decision I think, would an idiot do that? This makes it near impossible for me to make any mistakes, and I think it shows. Think about a life with no idiocy involved, perfect right? That's what make the quote so powerful, and potentially life changing for anyone that wants to listen to it. If everyone follow Micheal's advice, it would be a very nice and non-idiotic world. The only problem is that there are some just so far into idiocy, they are just to idiotic to take the anti-idiocy advice. Unfortunately for us un-idiotic people, there is simply no solution to the idiocy problem, and no amount of life changing advice will be able to make an impact on them as it has on me, and so many other Americans.
Assignment 18- Kaylyn Torkelson
Assignment 18 - Jonathan Tungate
High school- The number one thing I want to have done before high school is over with get my licence, for starters. But then I just want to get some friends and just drive somewhere, not really with a destination in mind. It is exciting to have that freedom to go where ever you want, and that's a freedom I'd like to exercise.
College- I'm not sure if there's just one thing I want to have done in college, I just want to have gone to parties, met lots of new people and made new friends, as well as just see if college is what it's talked up to be, and live that life.
By the end of my life, I really just want to be self sufficient. I don't want to live off of other people, like so many people do nowadays. I want to be free from ties connecting me to things, and have the freedom to do what I want.
Assignment 19 - Jacquelyn Engel
Assignment 19-Garrett Uebelhor
When I was in middle school I heard a piece of advice which I have lived by ever since. The advice was " If your not first you're last". It showed me that all that realy matters is being better than everyone else and not letting anyone else beat you. I used to try to help other people with their homework, their problems, you know whatever they needed. Yet now I realize if they have problems I shouldn't help them because that just means I'm better than them. Thats all that matters, now I hear the quote " It's not whether you win or lose its how you play the game" I just laugh. Everyone should realize in this life all that matters is that you win. Its time people realized that you should only look out for yourself. If you are not going to be better than everyone else then you should just give up on and move somewhere that you can be all alone, atleast that way you will be better than everyone around you.