Sunday, August 25, 2013

Siobhan (The student with the weird name)

My name's Siobhan O'Neill. And it's a pretty strange name if you ask me, but it does reveal some things about me. For one I'm Irish. Thats a no brainer, but also reflects that I like being different. Although I didn't have the pleasure in choosing my own name, as most kids don't, I did stick with being called Siobhan. I have a very normal, common middle name. Mary. Even though teachers would have a much easier time with pronouncing "Mary" rather than "Siobhan" on the first day of school, I decided to persevere through the corrections of pronunciations and answering the tedious but oh-so-common question of "How do you say your name?".
Best decision I ever made. 

My name sets me apart from people and gives me an edge. I like having a secret weapons up my sleeve. And thats probably one of the reasons why I joined the academy in the first place. It allows me to challenge and distinguish myself. 

Apart from telling people how to pronounce my name I like to paint, read, and listen to music. Really just about anything that can get my brain stimulated. I also like playing tennis and working out. Being healthy and fit is an issue that I'm very passionate about and hopefully something I can represent as a good example.

One thing that really geeks me out is fashion. Oh how I love fashion. I could read Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Instyle, and Marie Clare for hours on end. The fickleness of the fashion world keeps me on my toes as well as excited for the new trends of the season to be revealed. Fashion is something I love because it's an art form that does, regardless to prior thought, stimulate the brain. It's give individuals a chance to reflect just how unique and special they are in an exterior form. Below is a link that showcases some of Dolce Vita's (my favorite designer) newest pieces.

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