Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assignment One- Kaylyn

My name is Kaylyn, and I am not a geek. (What? Of course you're a geek, everyone geeks out about something!) Instead, I am something my friend (Lucy Wan, 2nd hour) calls a "binge obsessor." I jump from thing to thing and am only super passionate about a subject for a short amount of time. You could say that I have a certain degree of geek wanderlust. Maybe it's a result of not being able to latch on to anything, or maybe I just want to see and try everything. Who knows? I generally go through phases that vary in length and intensity. As a child, I was the go-to person for everything Harry Potter related. Now, not so much. Over the summer I've gone through multiple TV show phases including my obsession over Game of Thrones (not enough to make me read the books though), my love of True Blood (which pretty much lasts only as long as the season), and most recently, my fixation on Buffy the Vampire Slayer (It brings back childhood memories. I saw my first episode at the age of three or four.). Buffy the Vampire Slayer has my vote for current favorite, because my family recently came across every episode ever on DVD and I can watch them in order. (I'm a sucker for order.) Most of these "obsessions" last a short amount of time, and then I'm on to something else. My music obsessions last a little longer than my TV and book related ones. The summer before sophomore year I almost only listened to No Doubt. During the school year, I discovered the Canadian rock group The Tragically Hip that have been around since before I was born. (I'd highly recommend their album Day For Night (1995) or Phantom Power (1998). I know the lyrics to almost all 26 songs.) At the moment, I have turned to a completely different genre by listening to Lana del Rey and Marina and the Diamonds. Who knows what could come next? 

            The most meaningful part of my summer vacation would be the two weeks that I spent volunteering at Central Baptist Hospital in late July/ early August. As part of the VolunTeen program at that hospital, I was allowed to spend four hours every weekday in the maternity unit. I enjoyed myself immensely. I can even say that I came to like organizing charts and doing general secretary like work for the nurses in the department. On my last day as a volunteer I actually watched a C-section. How many people my age can say that they've seen the miracle of birth?

Here's one of my favorite pictures from this summer. (There's a very sweaty guy wearing a kilt and playing the bagpipes while closely trailed by Canadian Mounties. It entertains me to no end.) My sister took it at the Canada Day Parade in the small tourist-y town of Waskesiu, which can be found in the Prince Albert National Park. (There's a gigantic lake just a few yards away from this road.)

I love YouTube, so here's the link to one of my favorite videos. Catalina Ferro performs her slam poem "Emergency Exit Row." (She does use profanity briefly, so beware.)     

I can't help but bust out laughing every time.

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