Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assignment 1-Drew

Hello! My name is Drew.

I was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1997, making me a true Nutmegger (the correct term for a person from the Connecticut, the state know both as the Constitution State and the Nutmeg State). I moved here in 2004 having spent the first seven years of my life in that great state. For those of you who are now snickering at me, yes, I am in fact a Yankee, and proud to be. But do not be confused, for I am not a Yankees fan; in fact, I am quite the opposite, being a life-long follower of the Boston Red Sox. I also am an avid fan of the New England Patriots, the Boston Celtics, the University of Connecticut Huskies, the Boston Bruins (although I don't follow hockey as avidly as other sports), and as of the last nine years, the University of Kentucky Wildcats. Again, for those of you who haven't stopped reading by this point, you probably noticed that I said I root for both UK and UConn, and I do. But when they play against one another, I must confess I have and will pull for UConn every time. By this time, you've also probably guessed I like and follow sports, which I do. I enjoy playing and watching almost every "mainstream" sport (so no polo, lacrosse (sorry), underwater basket-weaving, etc.) with a few exceptions. Among the exceptions are hockey, which I watch occasionally but haven't played once and soccer, which I only watch casually during the World Cup.

So you might have thus far deduced that sports geeks me out, which they do. But a little more interestingly, things relating to aerospace peak my geek. Since I was very little, I have had an interest in things that move; not the living stuff as much, but the machines. Trains, construction equipment, military equipment, planes, helicopters, and space vehicles have always fascinated me, but the last three have always been especially interesting. I subscribe to Smithsonian Air & Space, the official magazine of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, which keeps me informed of the happenings (both recent and historical) of the aerospace industry. I have also come to follow SpaceX, a private corporation dedicated to the idea of furthering human exploration of space founded by Elon Musk, a man who I consider a great visionary. I have read many books on the subject of the history and future of aerospace technologies, and have a number of books dedicated to that topic residing in my bookshelves. I find the past, present, and future of this technology to be fascinating. Anyway, I'm sure I've bored you thoroughly and despite the fact that there are several other things I like that I can go into excruciating detail about, I will leave you with a link to SpaceX's website and a picture of the Thunderbirds, the United States Air Force's jet demonstration team, flying their F-16 C/Ds in formation.

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