Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assignment 1- Margaret

Hi there my name is Margaret Cashman. You can call me Marge or Magoo, whatever floats your boat, I'm not picky. You may not know, but I'm a complete jock, well, the girl-version anyways. I'm on the varsity soccer team and the varsity tennis team and have been since freshman year. Not only am I a sports-aholic but I am also a book addict. If I had to choose only one thing to do for the rest of my life it would be read. This statement then invites the question of what my favorite book is? It's not that hard to guess, I'm a complete sucker for Harry Potter. In fact, over this past summer I went to England and toured the Warner Bros. Studios where Harry Potter was filmed.  It's safe to say it was the absolute coolest place I've ever been. Don't worry though, there's more to me than just books and sports. I also happen to be very into health and nutrition. Exercising might be one of my favorite past times other than reading. Who doesn't love that feeling after a really intense workout? I also like researching healthy recipes and what foods are best for you and also how they affect you. I think I might want to try and do something with this passion when I get older but it's just an idea. Something else you may not know about me is that my favorite subject is french, actually languages in general are my favorite subjects and I'm working towards being fluent in french. After I master that it's on to Italian. What else can I say about me? I have a little sister Emily (she's only 18 months younger) and people always think we're twins. I have two dogs, May and Kelsey, and the best friend group anyone could ask for. So that's me, Margaret Cashman, in a nutshell.

Jenna, Ella, Margaret, and Schuler

Me, Brittany, Jenna, Gibbs, and Mary Ford

And before I forget, my favorite website is..

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