Saturday, August 24, 2013

Assignment 1

So my name's Omer, but it's pronounced like Omar because my parents are... distinguished at English. Because of their lack of vocabulary, they speak Arabic at home, but since I find it easier to speak English, it makes for interesting conversations. I played cello for four years, but i stopped last year. I've been wanting to start taking lessons again because cellos are awesome, but I never seem to get around to it. I enjoy just about every genre of music, so I have close to a 100 Pandora stations that I actively listen to. This doesn't mean that I know a lot about music. I don't. However, feel free to recommend anything at all. I won't look into it if only If i already know about it. I obviously want straight A's this year, but more realistically, I want to get at least a four on all of my AP classes. These classes, ranked in order of my confidence in achieving my goal, are: Calculus, English, U.S. History, and Chemistry. My summer was relatively boring. I slept, swam, biked, slept, and simply relaxed. The climax of my summer was a trip to Raleigh, during which I spent the majority of the day swimming. On the same trip (which lasted three weeks),  we went out to a lake, and during the middle of a cookout, the weather went from sunny to flash flooding in ten seconds. It was also around this time that I realized how much I love pools (as opposed to open, murky water). Every time my feet touched the bottom, I freaked out. Every time I tried to touch the bottom, and I couldn't, I freaked out. Just the feeling of not knowing what's under the water, and knowing what could potentially be in a lake of that size freaked me out. It probably didn't help that I spent the previous night watching anything that was terrifying and plausible that had to do with lakes. I wish I could have the ability to see and experience what other people do. I don't mean I want to know what people are thinking, and how they process things( although that would be interesting). I want to experience what its like to be a schizophrenic. I want to see and feel and hear the way someone with synesthesia does. I want to know what its like to be blind all your life, or to go through life with some sort of sever mental disability. I would also use said superpower to experience things that I might not be able to at this moment in time, and things I never want to have to go through. What does war feel like? And PTSD? What about those who are forced to make a decision that potentially risks lives? How do they go through the day without always feeling remorse, or how do they deal with everything?  I want to know what it's like to be simple, and to be happy because of it. I want to know what it's like to be impossibly intelligent. Would that result in you becoming depressed, or desensitized? I don't know, and I want to find out. With my superpower, I could choose when to experience these sorts of things, and when to stop. I assume you're a Redditor, but if you aren't, get over there. You'll thank me, but you'll probably lose your job due to being on the site instead of teaching. I love the sarcasm/humor of places like /r/ThanksObama and /r/MURICA.

I'll leave you with these

My childhood summed up right here.

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