Sunday, August 25, 2013


My name is Hannah Pulley, and some people call me Anna, because of the fact that there are many people, both in school and that I know who have similar names. Me, I’m used to switching between names and demeanors, depending on who I’m with.

Academically, my main goal is to survive this year. I realize this statement reveals that I’m not the strongest person, mentally or emotionally, but I also know that I will grow as a student and as a person through the work that I do. Motivation is one thing that I do have in my favor. Personally, my goal for this year is to be more flexible and willing to experience new things.  Given the workload that high school students are expected to manage, we’ll see how that goes. Making new friends, going for drives at night, that’s what weekends are for, right?

The most meaningful moment of my summer vacation was when I went to a concert with a friend that I have known for years online but have only seen in person a few times. We met because of a shared love of music, and we've become skype buddies, guitar teachers, and experts on DIY hair coloring for each other. We spent most of the day reading in bookstores and wandering around downtown Columbus, Ohio and then that evening standing in line so we could be at the barrier together to see Atlas Genius perform (which is a really cool band.)

If I could have any superhero power, it would be invisibility, mainly for the thought that I could walk onto any plane and go anywhere I wanted without a second thought. However, you would be more likely to find me at a festival like Glastonbury, Coachella or Electric Daisy Carnival than Comic-Con. I listen to a pretty wide range of music and have favorites from each genre, but a large part of my music library is variations of rock: indie, punk, glam, and math. (The name math rock coming from the complex and multilayered addition of drumbeats, guitar and keyboard effects. Foals would be a good example.)

This is a six second video that I have no explanation for, but it never fails to cheer me up.

I guess I cheated by already putting in several links, and Spotify would be a too obvious choice, so I leave you with one of my favorite online magazines. Girly and fabulous and always something to read.


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