Sunday, August 25, 2013

Assignment 1 - Jacquelyn

J-A-C-Q-U-E-L-Y-N. Not Jackie, Jacky, Jacqueline, or Jacklyn. I guess we can begin with the basic facts. I'm 16 years old. I have an older sister who's currently a freshman at college. I also happen to have a mom and a dad. Both my sister and I were adopted from China. Besides the fact that I'm an 11th grader at Henry Clay, I am also a swimmer. I've been swimming for about 12 years now. I used to play soccer, but I quit in 6th grade to pursue swimming. I love water whether it’s drinking it or swimming in it. I’d rather swim in the ocean though. I’d choose the beach over the pool any time; I love the beach. I aspire to live near the coast in the future and go to the beach every single day. I also love cleaning specifically organizing. I’m a big fanatic when it comes to organizing items. I used to organize in my spare time when I was little, and honestly, I still do when I find time. I even enjoy organizing items that aren’t even mine. Sometimes when I go to a store, someone’s house, or see someone’s binder where it’s just chaos and madness, I would be more than glad to organize it. Organizing isn’t a chore, it’s more of an activity or hobby to me, and I don’t have OCD. I just really like organizing. This site is addicting.

This picture portrays how I feel on some day.

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