Monday, April 28, 2014

Assignment 24 - Katy Estes

I refuse to accept the fact that I am almost done with junior year until AFTER the next three weeks. Everyone is right when they say that Junior year kicks your butt. There's a lot of work, homework, tests, projects, events, requirements, etc. I only had a few mental breakdowns and so I believe that speaks for itself as a success, seeing as I do not deal with stress well at all. But overall I would count this year as a success. I managed to climb outside of my comfort zone and joined a new club, a very big club, and this was a big accomplishment for me. Joining the speech and debate team was the best decision I've made throughout all of high school and I only wish I had done it earlier. I made some of the best friends I've ever had and (mostly) got over my fear of public speaking.
It's kind of bittersweet that this year has flown by so fast. It's sad because I've made so many friends and memories (wow cliché right?), but oh so sweet because I could use a break. AP tests upon EOC's upon ACTs upon projects and dissections has driven me crazy. Right now though, as I think about, I'm pretty sure the year helped me grow. I'm way more responsible now for studying and for actual objects.

This summer I plan on laying by pool and reading some good books (also the required ones I guess) and hopefully nothing else. After a year like this I need to relax.

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