Sunday, April 6, 2014

Assignment 22- Andy

If I could be any fictional character I would have to be an ent. Not a specific ent, but maybe one of the older ones so i would actually be important. First of all, there are many advantages to being a tree. Trees have managed to exist a very long time on the earth just by standing still. With the advantage of language and mobility I believe trees could become the ultimate rulers of the planet and, eventually, the entire universe. Ents are extremely hardy, they produce food through photosynthesis, so farming and domesticating animals are not really problems. They also have a protective layer of bark, rather than skin. And even though ents have no natural predators they possess excellent camouflage. See someone coming? Just stand still and no one will notice a thing. Some other characteristics of ents appeal to me, being a rather lazy and sometimes thoughtful person. Ents never make hasty decisions. Near-immortality has made them accustomed to taking their time in important (and not so important) decisions. This can also be a weakness, as they are sometimes slow to act. A senescence free life would also be an added bonus. Although there are some drawbacks to the ent life, I would choose to be one of these friendly, mossy giants.

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