Sunday, April 6, 2014

Assignment 23-Garrett Uebelhor

This is a being motivated / get 'er done type of playlist.

1) The Eye of the Tiger-Survivor
This song is a automatic when making a motivation playlist. This song has recieved such a strong reputation as a inspiring action song through rocky that as soon as people hear they want to jump up and start getting stuff done.

2) Lets get it started- The Black Eyed Peas
The name pretty much says it all, what is better then a song about getting stuff started to get you motivated. As soon as you hear it you want to get up and start clapping and getting to work.

3) Wont back down - Tom Petty
This is a good song for just not giving up even when things are tough. If you are trying get something done just listen to this and you will feel like even if it is amost impossible its ok because you are BA.

4) Lose Yourself-Eminem
This is another one of those songs that will get you through things even when they seem hard. Just listen forget about your worries and keep on trucking on whatever your task at hand is.

5) Jukebox Hero- Foreigner
This songs about keeping on rocking no matter what. This is a great song for staying motivated and getting things done.

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