Monday, April 28, 2014

Assignment 24 - Hannah Pulley

It doesn't seem right that the year is almost over, and that the next few weeks will easily slip away as well while we're all busy with AP tests and finals. Maybe that fact will be helpful; if I can't slip into thinking the semester is over, I can't mentally check out until after June sixth has passed. (You can probably tell, I deal with stress by denying it.) I don’t have much to say about successes that someone hasn't said before: I learned how much I can achieve if I slow down and focus on one task for some amount of time; and that taking risks, joining that club or applying for that job, no matter how unlikely it seems, could pay off in the end. My only goal for next year is to try to keep this up—apply to college and hold it together. This summer I'm planning on spending more time outside, taking more walks, going to more concerts, meeting friends that I haven't seen since last summer, which is pretty much everything I've had to put off during the year. 

Assignment 24 - Katy Estes

I refuse to accept the fact that I am almost done with junior year until AFTER the next three weeks. Everyone is right when they say that Junior year kicks your butt. There's a lot of work, homework, tests, projects, events, requirements, etc. I only had a few mental breakdowns and so I believe that speaks for itself as a success, seeing as I do not deal with stress well at all. But overall I would count this year as a success. I managed to climb outside of my comfort zone and joined a new club, a very big club, and this was a big accomplishment for me. Joining the speech and debate team was the best decision I've made throughout all of high school and I only wish I had done it earlier. I made some of the best friends I've ever had and (mostly) got over my fear of public speaking.
It's kind of bittersweet that this year has flown by so fast. It's sad because I've made so many friends and memories (wow cliché right?), but oh so sweet because I could use a break. AP tests upon EOC's upon ACTs upon projects and dissections has driven me crazy. Right now though, as I think about, I'm pretty sure the year helped me grow. I'm way more responsible now for studying and for actual objects.

This summer I plan on laying by pool and reading some good books (also the required ones I guess) and hopefully nothing else. After a year like this I need to relax.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Assignment 24 Schuler Ravencraft

 I was dreading junior year. You hear all the horror stories about the countless hours of homework and the stress of preparing for senior year but in all honesty it actually wasn't bad. I'd be lying if I didn't feel like there were times when I was completely overwhelmed or stressed but it was manageable. Going into this year I decided not to take school so seriously and I did a pretty good job at handling it. For the most I liked all my classes, got to know people better and had some great experiences. I have no big plans for this summer really. In July I'm going to California but other than that I hopefully will just relax and maybe get a part time job or some kind of internship. Next year hopefully I'll to get into one of my top college choices, fight off senoritis and maintain my grades. I hope next year will be just a great or maybe even better.


Junior year has been the most amazing/awful/crazy/stressful/wonderful year of my life. Up to my head in responsibilities from 4 AP classes, 2 sports, Vice President of a club, volunteering, a social life and trying to sleep have brought me to the point of a breakdown. The only thing that has really saved me this year is my friends, through all the stress, sadness and tears the one constant that is always there for me is my friends. I was watching Greys Anatomy earlier today and one of the characters said, "the only good thing about free falling is the chance it gives your friends to catch you." Me and all my friends made it through junior year together and we are ready to take on senior year just like we did this year. Junior year was/is the most stressful time of my life but I'm choosing to look at all the pain and stress as a learning experience, I got to try new things, I met new people, I got to know myself better, and most importantly I strengthen friendships.

Assignment 24- Megan Woodrum

This school year went by way too fast. I'm not just saying that in like the cliche way or whatever i seriously feel as if it was just Christmas, I haven't had a chance to catch up with the school year yet. I'm not ready for the year to come to an end, and I'm definitely not ready for all the tests I have coming up. I don't feel as if I've had enough time to accomplish anything this year.I suppose i accomplished the usuals for a seventeen year old, the getting the license, the getting a car. Nothing big has really happened. I really like that I'm working with animals more, I've learned to treat lambs on a farm which has been great experience for me. Besides that another accomplishment is i have gotten two paintings of mine into shows this year (one was a if you tried you got in, but still). Over the summer u think my family is going to be moving to a different neighborhood, i hope to get a summer job, and I'm going to be continuing my work with farm animals. Those are the big thing, besides those i will probably volunteer at a camp and go to Panama city with my youth group. Senior year is stressful to think about already. Besides my mentoring project, applying to college, and my four AP classes I don't know what else will or can be done. Not sure how the future is going to go, but I'm sure its going to make this year look like it crawled by.

Assignment 24-Garrett Uebelhor

Well successes and failures are pretty ambiguous topics yet as a whole I would say this year hasn't been filled with a abundance of successes or failures. I guess I have good grades and that a success but like many kids i don't really care all that much I just want to be done with school for this year. I have taken some risks, I have made some mistakes. Still nothing to warrant talking about, in the grand scheme of things I guess I have been a decent person. In the summer I will be getting a job ( I need money so badly). I will also watch a lot of TV, play basketball at the gym, and just enjoy the no stress life style.  Next year I plan to take less time doing school work, and I want to get accepted into a decent college and hopefully get a full ride. I plan on reaching these goals because I am being realistic and not stating that I am going to have all A's and go to Harvard.

Assignment 24- Isaac Satin

This year's been... interesting.

I set a lot of goals at the end of last summer, and I haven't met most of them, which is okay because I honestly didn't expect to. But I've gotten closer to achieving all and any of them, which is good. I feel like I've hit a groove creatively in that I'm writing much more than I used to, and it's more varied than just short stories and what's assigned for school. I've also discovered more about myself in what I like and don't like, and have begun to embrace the parts of myself that haven't pleased me in the past (for example, I can be a little pretentious sometimes, but I'm choosing to view that as an extension of my inner thought rather than a fatal flaw... which is a pretentious thing to say, actually. Ah, well, who cares?). I'm sure I've taken risks, but none big enough worth remembering, which is something I'd like to change next year. This summer the big thing I'm doing is going to Israel for a month, and I'm incredibly excited to go. My only formal goals for next year as of now are getting into a school I want to go to, which will hopefully happen. And that's really all I've got to say.

Assignment 25:

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, May 12th at 11:59 pm

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Assignment 23- Genghis Goodman

For most of my swimming career I was a distance freestyler, meaning I would swim events such as the 500yd, 1000yd, and 1650yd freestyle. For those who don't swim, these are very long events, taking around 5 min, 10 min, and 17 min respectively. There's a reason I wanted to start swimming shorter events, swimming for 17 minutes as fast as you can hurts... a lot. In order to survive these races you need to prepare yourself both physically and mentally. One of the best ways to prepare yourself mentally is through music. A pre-long distance race playlist needs to consists of songs that have a good beat to get you pumped up. But more importantly they need to be very catchy so that they can play through your head while you're swimming to entertain you and distract yourself from the immense amount of pain going through your body.
1.Foster The People - Don't Stop (TheFatRat Remix)
2.)Jay Z - Dirt Off Your Shoulder (Brillz & Z Trip Remix)
3.)Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (A-Trak Remix)
4.)DJ Fresh ft. Sian Evans - Louder
5.) Nelly- Here comes the boom

Assignment 22- Genghis Goodman

If I could be any fictional character, I would have to say Tony Stark. The first reason is obvious, being Iron man. With be ability to fly, blow stuff up, etc. being Iron man seems very appealing to most teenage boys. However there's more to being Tony Stark other than the suit, it's just like he said in The Avengers when responding to Captain America's comment "Big man in a suit of armor. Take that away then what are you?" the answer? "A Genius Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist." Tony Stark can create an Iron man suit as well as an extremely powerful arc reactor out of some spare weapons in a cave. With this kind of intelligence anything would be possible, you could create almost any type of technology you wanted, especially with the resources Tony has from being a billionaire. If you were Tony Stark you would have an almost unlimited amount of money, meaning you could live in a nice house, drive nice cars, travel etc. However being Tony Stark also means you have the ability to help other people, not only as Iron man, but he is also a well known philanthropist. It is clear that Tony Stark has it all, intelligence, money, kindness, and the Iron man suit.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Assignment 23: Sepehr Piltan

When Youre Having a Bad Day- Playlist
The Best Day by Atmosphere
Strong As an Oak by Watsky
Soundtrack 2 My Life by Kid Cudi
Shake Me Down by Cage The Elephant
Hey Ya by OutKast

Well basically the theme in most of these songs is that if you're having a bad day, that you need to stay strong because things will get better. The Best Day by Atmosphere explains that so well and thats why its on of my all time favorite songs, and the same thing goes for Strong as an Oak and Soundtrack 2 My Life. And the last two songs are just to get me in a better mood. I mean who doesnt get joyous when they listen to Hey Ya. And that's why these songs are the perfect fit for my playlist theme.

Assignment 22: Sepehr piltan

If i could be any fictional character, I would probably want to be Zachary Levi, who plays as chuck from chuck, my favorite show. If you ever watched the show, you'd know why chuck is so great. First of all, he has this thing called the intersect in his brain, which basically uploaded all of the governments information that has ever existed into his brain. And on top of that it enables him to do other things like learning any fighting form withing a second, or any learn any language within a second. And let's not forget that his girlfriend is yvonne strahovski, who is just drop dead gorgeous. And his best friend is morgan, who is just the most idiotic but most hilarious person ever, and he always has chucks back. Chucks life is filled with danger and adventure, and that why hes my favorite fictional character.

Assignment 21: sepehr piltan

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe someone just listened to Kid Cudi for the first time in their lives. And immediately they realized they he is the greatest artist ever. They realized that hes not just a rapper or a singer, hes an artist. Kid Cudi doesn't really fit into either category very well, hes a very unique artist, and that's what makes him so great. And unlike most rappers these says, his songs actually have meaning in them, its not just about that "Mula", or some guy yelling "2 CHAINZZ!!" at the beginning of every song. His songs show us that theres hope when your feeling and that their is happiness out there, and you just need to make an effort to find it. And at this very moment someone realized exactly what im talking about.

Assignment 23- Omer

Over the last year, I have been developing playlists for different seasons, specific weather, and special scenarios. There's one that im especially proud of that I made during last November and perfected throughout December. My dad was going to be across the Atlantic for the month of December, so he gave me his car. So I decided to make the perfect playlist to listen to when driving around in the cold, snowy weather.

Track #1. Clocks by Coldplay
-This is one of the more soothing songs i listen to, and it goes from relatively upbeat to toned down several times. Also, I like the lyrics. Half the time the lead singer is just dragging out the words "you are," and it sounds awesome.

Track #2. Fix You by Coldplay
-Its a really relaxing song that I enjoy. When I comes on the radio and it's raining outside, I get those weird chills that are awesome.

Track #3. Rhythm of Love by Plain White T's
-Again, this song starts out really chill, and then more and more instruments join in, and it just souds really cool. And the entire time it is just really calming. Also, there are parts where the singer harmonizes with himself, and it sounds super cool.

Track #4. Coming Home by The 88
-Like most of these songs, it starts out with a very relaxed mood and then adds a easy acoustic guitar beat. Also, it goes from calm to mildly upbeat and then down again, which is nice.

Track #5. Sail by Awolnation
-I put this song in the playlist because it's different. Not like country v. rap different, but its enough. It starts out like the other songs, but it gets really awesome a couple seconds in. Its a nice mix up of the relaxed tone of the other songs: it stays really cool throughout the song, but it tones down by the end.(or at least enough so that it doesn't sound weird to go to one of the above songs.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Assignment 22- Omer

"When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble a nail."
Abraham Maslow

This is how I fear I will turn out. Someone who thinks he has the capabilities to do anything, but is in fact limited by his mindset and skill set. In school, we are taught to think in a certain way. We are encouraged to analyze and scrutinize everything we come across. But what if we are being educated to use only one tool? I can't help but think it's a possibility.
For this reason, Sherlock Holmes, the Benedict one, is the character I would like to be. He has, within his mind, a seemingly infinite sea of information with which he investigates the more interesting parts of London. Not only is he awesome, he has not failed to solve one of the many problems he has faced in his career. He can manipulate situations, and is always under control. That kind of mentality, along with his skill, would make for a very interesting life.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Assignment 23- Thomas Ueland

Since the person that made our soccer pregame playlist last year included Justin Bieber and Michael Buble, I thought I’d make a few changes. Here’s a hype/get-focused playlist to listen to before a game:

1)   Lose Yourself- Eminem. Any hype playlist without this song is not a hype playlist. Gets you focused about whatever it is you want to get focused on.
2)   Remember the Name- Fort Minor. Another classic hype song that needs to be included on any playlist like this.
3)   Out of My Mind-B.o.B. High tempo, extraterrestrial-like song. Has a dub step feel to it but not overwhelmingly crazy.
4)   II. Worldstar- Childish Gambino. Gets you in the fighting mood but still has clever and punny lyrics.
5)   Inception- Logic. A deeper, inspiring song about dreams and destiny. Not all hype songs have to have insane beats or screaming lyrics, and this song helps you focus in a calmer manner than most others on the playlist.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Assignment 23- Isaac Satin- Listen to this while you're laughing in the rain

I love the rain. It makes me happy to watch and happier to be in. I also really like music. So I'm electing to combine the two (though I'm a little disgruntled- I only get 5 songs? I'll make it work, I suppose).

1. Don't Be Afraid to Sing- Stars
You've got one hour/It's time you told your story
This song is at the beginning because ideally it would be listened to as you see the clouds form and prepare to open up. The sound of the song works well with this, because the first four minutes are slower and more solemn, then there's a break with only silence for around 5 seconds, which is the perfect time for the rain to begin to fall. The next four minutes are more upbeat and fun, reflecting the idea that the rain is an excellent thing.

2. Use It- The New Pornographers
Phantom/Of the heart/Four beats from the parting lungs and mind since I was a child/Just grew there wild
Another step up in tempo from the last song, and the lyrics come a bit faster in this one too. The drums in this one aren't overpowering but they make the song incredibly easy to jam out to. It's the logical progression from the last song in terms of how happy and quick it is.

3. I Don't Feel Like Dancin'- Scissor Sisters
Cities come and cities go just like the old empires/When all you do is change your clothes and call that versatile.
Ironically, this song will really make you want to dance. A lot. And you should, because the rain is falling as hard as it's ever going to and you're soaked, but you don't even care. No one's outside and no one's looking, so dance to this weird song when it plays.

4. Out of the City- The Fancy
Said you wanted to tell me all your secrets/You wanna give me the key to the box of your secrets/But I’m not the kind of girl that you want to trust/Tell me your secrets and I’ll copy the key for everyone
We're still on upbeat songs, but they're starting to slow down again as the rain eases up. This song's not quite as "danceable" as the last two, but it's a great listen, and this band has some really great violin instrumentation behind the lyrics and drums which really make them unique and fun.

5. Wildewoman- Lucius
And she'll say whatever's on her mind/They're unspeakable things and she'll speak them in vain/And you can't help but wish you had bolder things to say/She's a wildewoman
This song begins more upbeat than "Don't be Afraid to Sing," because even though the rain's stopped now you still feel happier than you did before for having been in it. The real meat of this band is the harmonies between the two lead singers, which sound lovely and are in just about every song they make.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Assignment 23- Katy Estes

My perfect playlist is the kind you can play while dramatically staring out the car window while driving somewhere far away. Sure, some may be a little sad, but I feel like these songs actually make me think (maybe about cliche things like life in general, but oh well) and are just amazing songs all together. In no particular order:
1) Better Days - The Goo Goo Dolls. Starts off slow but picks up a little as it progresses, this song to me encompasses hope. Whether it's hope for a better life, a better tomorrow, or better relationships, this song is about new beginnings and those beginnings branching to hopeful futures. And it makes me happy.
2) Dear Agony - Breaking Benjamin. I discovered this band in the 7th grade and fell in love with them for some reason. They have a more "rock" tone than I'm used to, but their songs have a lot more meaning than what I usually listen to on 104.5. This song is basically about how you're supposed to fight against your enemies, and agony in general, and persevere throughout any bad times. Cliche or not, this song is pretty helpful I think.
3) Here Without You- 3 Doors Down. For some reason I feel the need to belt this song at the top of my lungs every time it comes on, even though it's particularly sad. Basically this song is about missing your significant other. It's a softer song than the last and very catchy. Plus it can put perspective on what you really miss.
4) It Ends Tonight - The All American Rejects. First of all I love these guys and their sound. But this song in particular is about finally letting go of something difficult. "When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight". There's something hopeful about that to me, like even though it ended, there's light and hope.
5) Scars - Papa Roach. Not slow paced, very fast, they get their message across easily. they're saying that everyone is scarred by their past. The important thing isn't to ignore your past, it's about growing from it and moving on. "And our scars remind us that the past is real." Your scars are meant as reminders to not make the same mistakes, not to impede on your inner beauty. (I really love this song)

Honestly I'd like to add about 30 more songs to this list, but I understand the necessity of limiting it to 5. I love all these songs and they are all perfect for dramatically staring out of a car window while wanting to do some thinking.

Assignment 23 -Drew

As tired as I'm sure everyone is about me talking about clarinet stuff in blog posts, it's one of the few interesting things about me, so I have to stretch it as far as I can. So here, in no particular order, are the best songs ever played on or composed for the clarinet:

Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue
While this whole song is indeed good, the clarinet solo near the beginning is perhaps the most iconic piece of music ever written for clarinet, as that glissando makes it very hard to ignore or forget.

Mozart's Clarinet Concerto, as performed by Martin Frost
Again, iconic music written for clarinet. Frost is perhaps my favorite classical clarinet player of all time, and he's a true young prodigy. If you can, watch him play this as well (YouTube or what have you), as he is so much fun to watch.

Sing, Sing, Sing, by Benny Goodman (or for that matter, anything by Benny Goodman)
The original jazz clarinetist, Benny and his various groups were staples of the big band era when clarinet thrived as a legitimate member of any jazz orchestra (sigh, the good old days).

Begin the Beguine, by Artie Shaw (again, or anything Artie Shaw)
While on the topic of the golden age of the jazz clarinet, this list must have some Artie Shaw tune. While Benny Goodman was the king of swing, Shaw was very often more somber and melancholy in his compositions. He, like Goodman, composed and performed his own tunes for the most part.

When the Saints Go Marching In, performed by Pete Fountain (again, to any other piece performed by him)
No list could be complete without his big round mellow sound. As hr has thrived in the jazz culture of New Orleans, hearing his rendition of this classic is an absolute must. Jazz clarinetists (and many classical clarinetists as well) around the world have been for decades striving to match his unrivaled tone quality, but there is but one Pete Fountain.

Hallie- 23

Perfect playlist for Hallie(even though that's not an occasion)

1. She Will Be Loved- Maroon 5
If there ever a song that I will never get sick of it will be this song. I started listening to Maroon 5s first album when I was in first grade with my mom on the way home from school. As I have gone through different parts of my life I find that I can relate to this song more and more. I hear this song differently than I did when I was in first grade, realizing whats its like to go through heartbreak and that makes this song even  more special to me.
2. Say Hey(I Love You)- Michael Frantini and Spear Head
This is another one of my all time favorite songs and I was lucky enough to see it preformed in concert. This song is just a happy song and no matter what kind of mood I'm in I can listen to it and it will bring back so many happy memories.
3. Waving Flag- Knaan
I first heard this song when I was in 6th grade at church camp and we danced to this song first thing in the morning to wake up, I forgot the name of the song but I wanted to find it again. So, a few years later when I was watch an Imax movie in a museum the song was playing during the end credits and I spent hours trying to look up the soundtrack for the movie so I could find the name of the song. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it. At a swim meet soon after that one of my team mates was playing music on some small speakers he had brought with him and Waving Flag was playing. I had finally found the song! This song is special to me not only because I love the lyrics but I appreciate it more because of all the waiting I had to do to find it.
4. Gold Digger- Kanye West
Early 2000's R&B has a special place in my heart so I would be remiss if I didn't include it on my play list. Last summer I spent a lot of time with someone who had an obsession with old school rap and it rubbed off on me. So, every night when I do my homework I listen to the songza station "early 2000's club bangers."
5. Fix You- Coldplay
I had to think hard about which song to pick last because there was two songs I was trying pick from but after listening to both of them, I settled on Fix You. This song is relaxing but if you listen to the words everything seems to fall in place. The song Fix You actually fixes me.

Assignment 23 - Hannah Pulley

(I watched High Fidelity over spring break and honestly, I was a little disappointed. Maybe it was that my friends who had seen it made it out to be more than it really was. A story actually centered around someone who spent all of their time making playlists for people and their life events would be cool though. But anyway…)

Music To Walk Home By: a playlist for late night walks in the summer (and a collection of associations I’ve made to each song)

1.       Original Sin | Geographer  
Eyes moving like flashlights under sheets / Up until the morning hours we are set free
I’m putting this one at the beginning because it reminds me of the feeling of falling into a dream, where you’re entering another world. It could be an adventure, an escape from a mundane place, or the beginning of something new.

2.       Collect Call | Metric 
Keep me closer, I'm a lazy dancer / when you move I move with you
Pretty much anything by Metric makes me think of friends from far away, people I miss and the memories associated with them. Sometimes when I ride my bike in the country, I end up thinking “what if I just kept going?” and calculating how long it would take to leave the state, to get to various big cities. This song somewhat represents that thought.
      Glorious | Muse   
Don't close the door, on what you adore
Depending on how I’m feeling, this is a song about possibility, or a chance already lost. It’s a turning point in a story that could end peacefully with everything falling into place, or all of the pieces falling apart, so I put this in the middle. I can say from experience that sitting on the swings on a playground and staring up at the sky where there’s no light pollution while listening to this is an amazing feeling. (…and the struggle with finding B-sides you really like…I would kill to hear this live)

      Moondust (stripped version) | Jaymes Young  
I'm building this house, on the moon / Like a lost astronaut
I like this version better than the original. It's softer and it highlights all the right emotions in the lyrics. More daydreaming, more of the odd feeling you get in the middle of the night when you’ve stayed up too late. Walking at night is peaceful when you’re with someone and not always talking, but when I’m at home and alone there’s a nagging worry; Things don’t feel right.

5       You Caught The Light | Chvrches  
           And we're laughing until the end / Let the rain come down, let it all come down
           This song gives me the same dreamlike feeling as the first song, but more like falling into a deep sleep                without dreaming after a long night awake. It fits well as the last song on its respective album as                          well as here, representing a sense of calm and peacefulness. 

Assignment 23- Kaylyn Torkelson

Instead of choosing the perfect playlist for one activity or event, I chose the perfect five song playlist for an idea- endings. Because nothing's really over until the song ends.

1. On Top of The World- Imagine Dragons
The song is upbeat, and sounds happy. It's perfect for the end of a good day, while also starting the next day on a good note. The message of the song strikes me as growth ("I kept on falling short of something") and that's a positive message with a forward direction to put at the beginning of a playlist.

2. Half of Something Else- The Airborne Toxic Event
For the end of being alone, this song is my favorite. Although the artist is "half of something else" and that means not being whole, he can still realize his connection with another, and that's something beautiful to me. The end of being alone is also the beginning of being together, and I think this song captures that connection.

3. Escape is at Hand for the Travellin' Man- The Tragically Hip
For the amicable end of a friendship, I would choose this song. The lyrics "I guess I'm too slow" do represent an ending, but it doesn't seem incredibly devastating. (More like people who grew apart than an angry breakup with people getting hurt.) I put this song before the next one to contrast the different feelings each ending has. (While this is an amicable ending, the next one seems much more hurtful.)

4. Black- Pearl Jam
I chose Black to represent the end of a more romantic-relationship because it's lyrics represent heartbreak. ("But why, why, why can't it be mine, can't it be mine?") It has a darker mood to represent a darker subject. The songs roughly go in chronological order, so it would have to be one of the end songs.

5. Edie (Ciao Baby)- The Cult
Edie is a goodbye song, created more for eternal ends than temporary ones. For this reason, I placed it at the end of my five song playlist. It's the ultimate ending.

Assignment 24: The Future

You're done!  - well almost
Your Junior year (nearly) OVER.
Tell us about it.
Successes? Failures? Lessons Learned? Risks taken? Mistakes made? What will you do in the Summer?  What do you want for your Senior year? How do you plan to reach your goals?

Minimum of 150 words - due on Sunday, April 27th at 11:59 pm

Friday, April 11, 2014

Assignment 23-Jonathan Tungate

Perfect Playlist for Getting pumped:
There He Go- By School Boy Q: This song is catchy, and the lyrics really mean nothing, therefore, it’s perfect for getting yourself focused on a task without getting caught up in the words.
Tennis Court- Lorde: Again, this is a song I don’t really find you thing into very much which makes it perfect for getting caught up in the rhythm, whether you know what she’s singing about or not.
Carry the Sun-The Glitch Mob: This tune has a strong rise and very little vocals which makes it perfect for thinking and getting pumped up.
Fight For You-Morgan Page: Very simple, and very exciting, a song you can sing along to, or just get caught in the catchy beat.

Karma Crazy-Magnetic man: What an uplifting song that really gets you going, good rise and great rhythm to keep the pace going.

Assignment 22- Jonathan Tunagte

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Shawn from Psych. That guy is a genius. Granted it's a fictional show, he has a fantastic personality, skill-set, and lifestyle I really appreciate. He's got a keen set of observation skill, which I value highly as something I want to foster in myself. He’s exciting and lives his life the way he wants to. He doesn’t adapt to some cookie-cutter job, he finds what is exciting to him as the time and moves on. Shawn is someone who shines in the limelight, almost to the point of being obnoxious, which is a quality that may or may not be negative, but I appreciate it myself. Being brought up in a way to create his skill-set, he may not of appreciated it, but I think that would be a very interesting direction for one’s life to take.

Assignment 21- Jonathan Tungate

At this moment somewhere in the universe, the aliens are watching us. Given the possibility of life outside (or inside!) our solar system, there is an equal possibility that they are far ahead of how far we have progressed as humans. If I was an Alien, I’d watch our lives as a comedy. People get all worked up about party lines, a couple hours of homework, and dealing with their own personal problems. But to the extra-terrestrials, it doesn't mean anything to them.  Looking at your problems on the large scale, you realize; what’s the point of being afraid of certain things, or worrying about the future. There are billions of us, as just little workers in the giant colony of earth, so why spend time being nervous about living your life, or putting yourself through unnecessary stress because somewhere, something is watching the world as a whole, and you’re unimportant.

Assignment 20- Jonathan Tungate

How to Fix Any Technical Problem Ever:

This is an easy one, but some people have lots of trouble with technology. People say "well I just don't get it" as they try to get help solving the most basic of problems. But that is not the correct attitude to adapt when confronted with an issue. First, you have to have an open mind. Think about what could be causing the problem, for instance, the password you’re typing in is incorrect, and could it be you that’s the problem? Not the machine? Then you can take caps lock off and be on your way. Next step, Google is your friend. The person you’re calling up for help can use Google, so why can’t you? Remember that whatever is happening to you, and thousand more people have had the exact same problem. Learn how to use Google as a tool to fix your problems, and you can be your own tech support. Hope you read this gram.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Assignment 23 Siobhan

The playlist that I am going to create is one that emcompasses alternative rock with meaningful and artistic lyrics. It's ideal for writing or painting or anything that involves creativity 1. Fever by the Black Keys. This song features an electronic melody and a provoking tune. It's ideal to listen to if you have any anger that needs to be released 2. Mad sounds by Artic Monkeys. This song is very relaxing. If you want to express yourself creatively this song will allow you to have just the right amount of background noise mixed with relaxing tunes. 3. Circuital by My Morning Jacket. This song is energetic yet calming. It's ideal for big creative projects, like murals, that require a lot of energy and unique intuition 4. Homecoming Heros by The Head and the Heart. This song is an upbeat and uplifting tune. It allows you to appreciate your ideas and persure them by being surounded by positive energy. 5. 10,00 Weight in Gold by The Head and the Heart. This song provokes emotions needed to persue a creative project.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Assignment 22- Brittany

                This question was exceptionally hard for me to answer. There are so many characters that I would love to be, but for this I’m going to stick with Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series. I first read those books years ago, and have read many since, but Annabeth is undeniably one of the coolest characters I have ever encountered. She is the daughter of Athena so she’s positively brilliant, plus she’s a force to be reckoned with and can hold her own in a fight. The thing with her though, is that it doesn't always have to result in a physical fight because she is just so smart and can get herself out of practically any situation. Annabeth isn't just smart though, but she’s strong and is able to recognize her own faults. Not to mention the fact that she’s best friends with Percy Jackson, who is one of the other coolest characters I have ever read about (honestly considered choosing him for this.) She and her friends basically save the world too, so there really isn't much not to like about her.  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Assignment 22- Andy

If I could be any fictional character I would have to be an ent. Not a specific ent, but maybe one of the older ones so i would actually be important. First of all, there are many advantages to being a tree. Trees have managed to exist a very long time on the earth just by standing still. With the advantage of language and mobility I believe trees could become the ultimate rulers of the planet and, eventually, the entire universe. Ents are extremely hardy, they produce food through photosynthesis, so farming and domesticating animals are not really problems. They also have a protective layer of bark, rather than skin. And even though ents have no natural predators they possess excellent camouflage. See someone coming? Just stand still and no one will notice a thing. Some other characteristics of ents appeal to me, being a rather lazy and sometimes thoughtful person. Ents never make hasty decisions. Near-immortality has made them accustomed to taking their time in important (and not so important) decisions. This can also be a weakness, as they are sometimes slow to act. A senescence free life would also be an added bonus. Although there are some drawbacks to the ent life, I would choose to be one of these friendly, mossy giants.

Assignment 21- Andy

Somewhere, right now, a young musician is struggling to make a living in confused market. In this day and age there are more musicians on the scene than ever before. The "genre" we knew of the past is quickly disappearing, being replaced by innovative artists seeking to make their mark on popular culture and spread their work. Unfortunately, most of us (including myself) lock ourselves into our favorite genres and artists. We rely on the radio and a few other media sources to give us our music. The modern music-consumer does not understand the need to explore the vast market that we are privileged to have access to. One major cause of culture's stagnated music interests is how we view music as a part of lives. While it in nice to listen to your iPod while working out or listening to the radio while driving music's purpose is not to entertain you while doing other tasks. A musician is an artist; they do not create solely to give us something to do. Music is a form of expression, and for many, a way of life. Many musicians that create beautiful, brilliant art have no way to expose the public to their product. That is why we, as educated consumers, must seek out our music. Platforms like Pandora and Spotify have made it much easier to find new material, but it is not enough. Another, not so recent, phenomenon that has helped to expose up-and-coming artists is the music festival, which have become much more popular in the last few years. I'll leave you with a thought. Think about all the music you have ever listened too. Most likely there are many songs that like and enjoy listening to fairly often. Now think about how many thousands of artists are emerging ever year. That means millions of songs that you might like, but will more than likely never hear unless you put in the effort to find it.

Assignment 22- Thomas Ueland

If I could be any fictional character, I would be Jim Halpert from The Office. He has a job where he never seems to do anything, gets paid enough to live on, and doesn’t worry about getting fired ever. If my job all day was just playing pranks on a coworker and making a few sales calls, and somehow we would be the most successful branch of the company, I’d take it in a heartbeat. The real reason why I’d want to be Jim, though, is to witness everything Michael Scott. You’d never find a boss in real life that would burn his foot on a George Foreman grill or say “If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden, and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.” Plus you’ve got the one and only Dwight Schrute and his beet farm in case you’re ever low on vegetables. The job itself would be mediocre, but the people that work there would make it great.  

Assignment 22 - Katy Estes

(Disclaimer: this is possibly the hardest prompt you have given us all year, Mr. Logsdon, so keep that in mind as I make a very difficult decision here.)

I know this book is "old" compared to other people's choices (really only a few years) but I would still pick Katniss Everdeen (after 20 minutes of contemplating).
No, I do not have a death wish with being thrown into the hunger games twice, and no I do not wish to be unhappy with my life in the end (spoiler, sorry), but I wish to be all the other things that she was.
First of all, Katniss is about the most compassionate character I've come across (granted I don't read very much). Almost all of her thoughts before the games is how is she going to provide for her family? When her father died she stepped up immediately and took responsibility. She loves her sister like she's her own daughter. I wish I could feel that way about my own sister but she drives me crazy. I wish I could feel the kind of duty or responsibility to take care of my family.
She's also beyond courageous. She volunteers as tribute, she kills another person to save Rue (and failed- but still), she does not complain when she gets thrown back into the arena, and she stares President Snow directly in the eyes and stands up for herself. I wish I even had the courage to confront my teachers when they've done something wrong with my grades, let alone my government leaders when they've done something wrong with the nation. She has this poise and self-confidence that I can only wish that I had. She carries herself in a way where she presents herself as intimidating and scary and yet she is still compassionate and loving. I wish I could fight and stand up for myself and do what I have to do just like Katniss does.

Assignment 23 - Max Morris

Just a few days ago, my life was rocked by the news that formerly beloved actor Kevin Costner had followed me on Twitter, despite the fact that I have never tweeted anything even remotely related to him or his work. Immediately, I began hatching a devious plot, and like all devious plots, this one needed a soundtrack, so here it goes:

Songs to Catfish Actor Kevin Costner To

1. You Oughta Know- Das Racist. Before you try to catfish anybody, the first step is to really get to know them. I know close to nothing about Kevin Costner, as his movies don't interest me, but if there is one thing I do know, it's that he is a very boring man, and the one universal truth of boring men is that they all love Billy Joel. I cannot in good faith put a Billy Joel song on any playlist, so instead you can deliver your dose in a far better package. All apologies to Cam'ron, who originated this "Movin' Out"- sampling beat, but the sorely missed group Das Racist performed the nearly impossible feat of beating one of the all-time greats at his own game. With their characteristic mix of low-brow stoner humor and esoteric cultural and literary references, this song is just a lot of fun, and possibly the only good thing to ever come from Billy Joel. Another must would be to listen to Kevin Costner's little-known country band Modern West. I haven't listened to them, but the chances that they're not awful are slim to none, so instead just listen to Charlie Feathers' "Can't Hardly Stand It," that's a country song that's actually very good, and pretend it's by Modern West, that'll make complimenting Kevin Costner's music career an easier task.

2. Je T'aime… Moi Non Plus - Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin. Another important pre-catfishing ritual is to get yourself in your most seductive mood, and nobody is better for that job than French provocateur Serge Gainsbourg. Even though not a word of it is in English, it's nearly impossible not to blush when you hear those swirling organ tones and Birkin's sensual whispers. This song is so scandalous that, while none of the lyrics are dirty, it was banned from the BBC for simply sounding that sexy. If that isn't seductive, then I don't know what is, but if you're still not properly scandalized, check out "Adore" by Prince, "Untitled (How Does it Feel)" by D'Angelo and "Jeepster" by T. Rex. Now you are ready to catfish Kevin Costner.

3. Into my Arms - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. Once you've built up a steady online rapport with Kevin Costner, here comes the real kicker. In order to really hook him, send him a link to this song, possibly the most romantic ever written, and tell him it makes you think of him. After this, no more words will really be needed, Kevin Costner will be head over heels in love, and you'll have accomplished your goal. Now put on Love's album "Forever Changes" and take a well-deserved break. This has nothing to do with Kevin Costner, but I can't pass up a chance to recommend this album, it's seriously perfect, and applicable in all playlists.

4. Danny Glover - Young Thug. Before you head out for your first, and likely final, date with Kevin Costner, you're going to want to get pumped up, and this banger is the most essential "turn up" anthem of the last couple of years. Even the squarest Joe Schmoe can get excited when they hear this song play, and that's really all there is to say. See also: Karma - Waka Flocka Flame, Dope Song - Danny Brown, and Ignition (Remix) - R Kelly.

5. Several different outcomes can end this twisted tale of deception. That's right, this is a choose-your-own-adventure playlist (Patent Pending), so let's check it out:

  • Own up to your ruse: April Fools - Chief Keef. Once you've earned your first meeting with Kevin Costner, you start to get cold feet, and decide to let him in on your elaborate Shanghai. What better soundtrack is there to that than a song titled after a ruseman's favorite day? Being a Chief Keef song, it is completely incomprehensible other than the words "April Fools" and "Bang bang," but it gets the message across. If you're not into drill, use "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore" by The Smiths, because everybody loves The Smiths.
  • Continue to pursue the relationship: Heartbeat - Buddy Holly. Once you've devoted all this time to getting close to him, you might've developed a bit of a crush on old Kevin, and you might as well try to seize this rare opportunity. There's literally hundreds of great love songs I could've chosen here, but I chose "Heartbeat" just because the image of having some weird cute 50s-style Archie Comics sort of romance with Kevin Costner made me laugh. See also: Baby, I Love You - The Ronettes, Love - Nancy Adams (Robin Hood reference intended).  
  • Spook him: "Cue" - Scott Walker. There is only one ideal ending to the catfishing of Kevin Costner, and that is spooking the bejeezus out of him. As an aficionado of spooking, I can say that there is no artist spookier than recent Scott Walker. If one were to scan the mind of Jeffery Dahmer and have David Lynch direct the results, then it would probably sound a lot like this song. Really, any song from Scott Walker's modern classic The Drift works, but this is probably the eeriest. You could also use "In Dreams" by Roy Orbison. On it's own, it's a pretty cute song, but with it's connotation with a crazed Dennis Hopper, it would likely bring nothing but dread to Kevin Cosnter, who had the displeasure of working with Mr. Hopper during the cocaine-fueled rage also known as his entire life. 

Assignment 21 - Katy Estes

At this very moment, somewhere in the universe there is another world with another civilization of human-like creatures. These human-like creatures are similar to us in many ways: they talk, they eat, they sleep, they have feelings. In fact, the only the thing that separates humans on earth and these human-like creatures somewhere in the universe is that they have more acute feelings. Not only can they express themselves excellently, but they can READ what another person is feeling. It's quite handy, actually.
In this other planet where these human-like emotionally-prone creatures live, there resides a teenage "human-like creature" with a little sister and two parents. Her parents don't understand her. All she wants to do is have a later curfew. I mean, all of her other friends have later curfews, why can't she? But no. Her parents insist, no, demand, that she be back at her dreadfully-lame super-early curfew. So she rolls her eyes, crosses her arms and looks the other way. "What's wrong?" asks her mother. She says nothing. "You're angry with us," she notes using her super emotional powers. The mother stares at her with a compassionate look for a moment or two and hope rises in the teenage girl. This could be it. She might actually win an argument with her parents. Her dad looks curiously over at the mother, what is she doing? He wasn't sure. The teenage girl feels a smirk growing on her lips but she pushes it down.
"Too bad, you have your regular curfew."
Anger builds again.

Assignment 23- Megan Woodrum

Firstly I am appalled that I only get to list 5 songs in this playlist, it feels as if it's incomplete and i don't get to share as much as I wish. But its probably best to put a limit on me or I wont ever stop talking. This playlistist is designed for the individual who is boredd out of their mind and needs somehtiong to get their blood pumping and them entertained. I chose this because its the most common state for me to be in when at home.
1) "Hit It" by American Authors: This song had a serious upbeat everything, its drums and meoldy are carried at a fast tempo and the singing is something very easy to sing and dance to. Its nearly impossible not to bob your head or tap a foot to this song. No one can feel down when listenng to this song.
2) "Spark" by Fitz and the Tantrums: This song has a great bass line that goes throughout the song and really gets you moving, also there's a great "OH OH OH" part that is really fun to sing along with. It is a very upbeat song with lyrics that get you very pumped up.
3) "Sloppy Seconds" by Watsky: This song features string instruments that really play at a very past place and make the music very fast pace. The singing happens a majority of the time in a way that seems like rhythmic fast talking, I definitely wouldn't call this rap though.
4) "Semi-Automatic" by Twenty One Pilots: This is another fast pace song but this one has a more electronic feel to it through most of it but eventually it switches to heavy drumming and piano, then back to techno. I chose this song for this bands sound and love the meanings of all of their songs, this is another one top get you up dancing.
5)"Sleepyhead" by Passion Pit: This song is extremely electronic sounding, even the voices are very electronic sounding. Its the music that gets your blood pumping in this song, it has a lot of rhythms working together to create the music. There are more rhythms going on in the song than its possible to pick out and it creates a song that is really fun to hear and move to.

Assignment 22 Schuler Ravencraft

I really struggled to think of a character I would actually want to be. After thinking about it I've realized all the books I read have a sad ending or the characters live in some kind of torn up world so I decided on a fairly basic answer: Hermione Granger. I mean who doesn't love Hermione? She's everything you could strive to be. She's not only a main character in the most popular book series  ever and is played by Emma Watson (everyone loves Emma Watson) but she's also everything every girl strives to be. She's smart, strong, independent, pretty AND has magical powers. She was a hero helping Harry and Ron save the world and went on many adventures. While doing this she also attended the most amazing school ever imagined. After facing all the near brushes with death, she in the end saved the world, fell in love and had a family. What else could you ask for?

Assignment 23-Garrett Uebelhor

This is a being motivated / get 'er done type of playlist.

1) The Eye of the Tiger-Survivor
This song is a automatic when making a motivation playlist. This song has recieved such a strong reputation as a inspiring action song through rocky that as soon as people hear they want to jump up and start getting stuff done.

2) Lets get it started- The Black Eyed Peas
The name pretty much says it all, what is better then a song about getting stuff started to get you motivated. As soon as you hear it you want to get up and start clapping and getting to work.

3) Wont back down - Tom Petty
This is a good song for just not giving up even when things are tough. If you are trying get something done just listen to this and you will feel like even if it is amost impossible its ok because you are BA.

4) Lose Yourself-Eminem
This is another one of those songs that will get you through things even when they seem hard. Just listen forget about your worries and keep on trucking on whatever your task at hand is.

5) Jukebox Hero- Foreigner
This songs about keeping on rocking no matter what. This is a great song for staying motivated and getting things done.

Assignment 22-Eliot Smith

If I could be any fictional character, I would choose to be the Michelin Man.  This is probably the last character anyone else would ever choose when asked this question, but I'd like to deviate from the regular "I WANNA BE SUPERMAN CUZ FLY!"  So, let's break down why being the Michelin Man would be simply fantastic.  Starting with the less useful aspect, you could have unlimited tires.  Did some punk let the air out of your tires while you were at the Bieber concert?  Forget Triple A, just take out a section of your torso and throw it at your axle.

Now for the best part.  Is some little @#$! giving you any trouble?  Talking smack about your new faux hawk?  Making fun of your name (Tracy is unisex!)?  Just POP THAT RAT IN THE MOUTH WITH A TIRE!  Could you imagine a better way to shut someone up than throwing a rubber tire 50 mph AT THEIR MOUTH?  How could you pass this up?  Why would you choose to be Harry Potter when you could just slam a tire in his face while he's casting his cute little avadakadabra spell?  It's obvious that the Michelin Man is the correct choice for this prompt.

Assignment 22-Garrett Uebelhor

If I could be a fictional character it would have to be james bond. His life just seems so great, ofcourse he has to fight the bad guys but he also always has a cool car and all the women. Plus he never really seems scared even when in the presence of a bad guy and seems to thoroughly enjoy his travels. He also gets a bunch of cool gadgets to help in his crime fighting endeavors. Plus he gets to change his face every now in then and he never really gets old because he just becomes a new person. I would love to never grow old. And of course there is the whole british thing I mean i wouldn't even have to speak another language. I also like the whole fact that even james bond is fictional he does not encounter just outrageous foes ( like aliens or zombies) other then the secret agent part I would say his life is pretty believable, well atleast for a fictional character.