Sunday, March 23, 2014

Assignment 22- Isaac Satin

If I could be any fictional character I would have to choose to be Ford Prefect from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Ford is one of the few central characters I can think of who, no matter his current circumstances, always manages to be peppy, cheery, optimistic, friendly, and constantly resourceful. Plus, working for the Guide has its own benefits- including knowing how to live "on less than 30 Altairian dollars a day."

Every situation Ford finds himself in, whether he's stranded on Earth for ten years, stuck in a spaceship hurtling towards a sun, or wanting to get healthily intoxicated at a flying party (yes, that all happened. Read the books if any of that sounds remotely interesting. If it doesn't, read them anyways), he always is two things- optimistic and carefree. He lives in a very happy-go-lucky way that I must admit I am rather envious of- the planet you're on is getting blown up? Head to the pub and beam up to the culprit ships. You're about to be jettisoned into space? May as well hold your breath as long as possible, anything can happen. Overall, Ford is a very happy, knowledgeable, and friendly individual, which is why I would like to be him.

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