Sunday, March 2, 2014

Assignment 20 - Katy

How to turn your cheek at rudeness

Seeing as I have come into contact with extreme rudeness the past couple of weekends, I will explain how I easily got out of these situations without being rude back.

1. First of all, you need to wait for the opportunity to present itself. I wouldn't exactly suggest that you ignore the person and/ or complete these tasks unless someone is being rude to you. So wait for someone to insult you or be rude.
2. Acknowledge what they say. I know most people would say "ignore, ignore, ignore" but I believe that ignoring them only "fuels your fire" a little more. So hear what they say.
3. Respond back politely. This is going to be the hardest step of course, I struggle with it myself. However, I have learned that to respond back politely does not only show that you are the bigger person, but irritates the other person. The other person is intentionally trying to get under your skin, and by being polite you are showing that you are not bothered by them. This will drive them crazy!
4. Give a smile. Whether sincere or fake, show them that you are unscathed and unchanged by their words. Once again, this will drive them crazy. They have obviously failed at making you mad when you smile back at them!
5. Walk away. Before they can start the cycle again and you forget these 4 easy steps, just walk away. I'm not saying that you or anyone else does not have the will-power to stay polite, but I know that I do not. So after I show a smile (usually fake) I turn my heel and walk the opposite way. Once again, this will bother them more than it bothers you.

This past weekend I had a debate tournament and went against 2 very snobby girls from a private school in Louisville (the school shall remain unnamed). I ASSUMMED (hehe) that they would be polite enough to carry out a sense of professionalism in the tournament, but I was mistaken.
We had beaten them in our round and my partner and I were going on to Finals. They were not. As my partner and I walked towards the Final round location, we saw that a group of people, including the two snobby girls, were waiting to watch.
One of the snobby girls (the more snobby one I might add) turned to me. With a disgusted face she asked "YOU made it to finals?" I could tell that she was being condescending. She thought she was better than me with her private education and fancy school laptops.
I simply said "Yes!" in a cheerful voice. I added in my special fake smile. She widened her eyes and turned away from me to whisper to her friends. And I felt great.

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