Sunday, March 2, 2014


How to read textbooks 

As a high school student, reading textbooks has become a daily activity for me. As a person who doesn't enjoy reading, getting through countless pages of dense textbook everyday can be a struggle. But, I've leaved some ways to make it more enjoyable. First, pick some good music to listen to. My favorite music to listen to right now is the "my 2009 prom" and "2000s club bangers" stations on Songza. The second step is to take lots of breaks, I mean lots. When I read text books I stop about every 15 minutes and go do something, wether it be check twitter or Instagram or go run up and down my stairs a few times to get my energy out, breaks help keep you focused. My favorite trick for reading text books is placing a gummy bear on ever paragraph on the text book page and when you read that paragraph you get to eat that gummy bear. This is the best inspiration of all because I can eat as much candy as I want and not feel bad about it because I know I'm learning. These three tips are the only reason I've made it through reading all these textbooks in high school. 

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