Thursday, March 13, 2014

Assignment 20 : How to be Organized - Jacquelyn Engel

My sister and I are complete and absolute opposites. Every time I walk pass her room, I fathom at how she can possibly live like that. Clothes are all over the place, stuff is just randomly lying out, junk is piled on one top of another, and there is just a spew of random, unnecessary crap everywhere. It may not sound bad, but it is. I’ve tried numerous times to help her get organized, but her definition of being organized is definitely not what mine is, and she doesn’t listen to me. So, maybe this advice will work better for someone else in need of organization. Step 1) Clean something of yours everyday This can be anything, and it does NOT have to be more than 15 minutes. Clean something like putting all your clothes into the laundry basket or put all your papers in the right binder/folder. This takes no time at all. Step 2) Make sure everything has a spot Remember your parents telling you something along the lines of “put it back where it belongs”. This should be applied to all your items. If you tend to forget or lose things than putting things in a proper place will easily help you to stop losing them. That science worksheet belongs in your science binder not your Spanish, and your dirty clothes go into the laundry basket not on the ground or back in your draw. These aren't a lot of steps, but it’s all in the details which will help you to create better habits for a more organized life.

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