Sunday, March 16, 2014

Assignment 21 Schuler Ravencraft

Somewhere in the universe some high school student is sitting at home procrastinating. They have sat and sat doing absolutely nothing when that is the last thing they have time for. Instead of working on physics homework they have been on their laptop “trying to figure out” how to solve the wavelength of a sound wave but really they have some how ended up on buzzfeed doing quizzes titled “Which Friends Character are you?” Instead of getting dressed and going out to get some fresh air and exercise, they have sat in their pajamas watching all the shows they have recorded for the week or watched countless episodes of Revenge on Netflix. Instead of cleaning their room they got distracted by that old I pod nano filled with Hannah Montana and Jonas Brother songs. Now somewhere in the universe that high schooler is frantically cramming to finish everything they didn’t do for the day. 

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