Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Assignment 22 - Drew
Assignment 21 - Drew
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Assignment 22- Julian Perry
I don't keep up with shows as much as I'd like to, and most of the books I read are quite depressing in their own special ways, so my choices are quite limited. I picked Sam because Sam at least has a wonderful brother by his side. He's got an uncle who cares for him. Sam Winchester knows a thing or two about (the) family (business). He may die in one episode, but he'll come back the next to see his brother performing the sacrifice to allow this revival. This is much better an experience than (one of my other contenders) Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad. Even being able to say his iconic one liner B word, I would still have to deal with his emotional side. This is too much for one man, as seen in seasons 4 and 5. This trade is not worth it on my end. Therefore, I hypothetically choose emotional stability over wealth and health. Sam is content with his life, as taxing as it is at times. Few people are always able to say that. I would enjoy that very much.
assingment 22 Siobhan O'Neill
Assignment 22- Isaac Satin
Every situation Ford finds himself in, whether he's stranded on Earth for ten years, stuck in a spaceship hurtling towards a sun, or wanting to get healthily intoxicated at a flying party (yes, that all happened. Read the books if any of that sounds remotely interesting. If it doesn't, read them anyways), he always is two things- optimistic and carefree. He lives in a very happy-go-lucky way that I must admit I am rather envious of- the planet you're on is getting blown up? Head to the pub and beam up to the culprit ships. You're about to be jettisoned into space? May as well hold your breath as long as possible, anything can happen. Overall, Ford is a very happy, knowledgeable, and friendly individual, which is why I would like to be him.
Assignment 22- Megan Woodrum
Assignment 22 - Hannah Pulley
Assignment 22
Assignment 21
Assignment 23: the perfect playlist
A Blast From the Past
"High Fidelity" (2000) was a film that was remarkably ahead of its time. The film tells the story of Rob Gordon, a washed-up music junkie (played by the fantastic John Cusack) who spends his days creating perfect 5 song playlists. There's his playlist for his worst break up ever, his playlist of the top 5 soul tracks released between 1955 and 1965, and his playlist for his ex-girlfriend's dad's funeral.
Today, thanks to Limewire, iTunes, the "genius" Itunes feature, and Pandora, creating a "perfect" playlist has never been easier.
On the other hand, Rob probably would be appalled by the slapdash way some of us throw together any group of songs above a certain tempo before we head to the gym, or take all those below a certain tempo and thoughtlessly label it “chillaxxx.” As Rob forewarned, “The making of a good compilation tape is a very subtle art. Many do’s and don’ts. You’re using someone else’s poetry to express how you feel. This is a delicate thing.”
So for this blog assignment, create a "perfect" playlist for something. It could be your perfect playlist to listen to at the gym (boring!), perfect playlist for a rainy day, perfect playlist for anything. . . be as creative as you can. Once you have chosen a topic, select 5 tracks for this playlist, noting the song and artist, and write a few sentences explaining why you chose this song, what this song adds to your playlist, why you put it where you did, and how it works with the other songs you selected to create a cohesive perfect playlist.
If you want link it to a spotify playlist and share a link.
Minimum of 150 words - due Sunday, April 13th at 11:59 pm
(Last day to turn in make up assignments 21-23)
entry courtesy John Cowgill
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Assignment 22- Kaylyn Torkelson
C'mon. Having Elsa's ice magic would be so useful on a daily basis. (Once I learn to control it.) Forgot about my homework? Suddenly there's a polar vortex surrounding Henry Clay High School. Snow day! Really not feeling that test you have at the end of the day? We're getting out early! That girl in fourth hour won't stop talking and she's driving you nuts? Make her into an ice statue. (Kidding. Kinda.)
But beyond that, Elsa is an inspiring woman. She's kindhearted, and always worried about others more than herself. She's independent, but learns to balance that by still letting people in, instead of isolating herself. She's not focused only on finding her prince or being a princess, but on running her own kingdom and creating close bonds with her family.
It's impossible to truly realize how much I love Frozen, having grown up in a golden age of Disney movies and more specifically, Disney princess movies. For the first time, the Disney princesses are teaching children what I would want my children to learn. You can be a strong independent woman. You don't need to worry about when your prince will come. You're not some beautiful girl trapped in a glass case or in a castle waiting for someone else to come and save you. You're a beautiful girl, with her own thoughts and dreams- whether they're visiting an interesting festival, or starting a privately owned restaurant- who is capable of defending herself (be that with frying pans or bows and arrows), and is, in the end, her own person, separate from any prince she might choose to love.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Assignment 21- Kaylyn Torkelson
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Assignment 21- Brittany
Assignment 21-Eliot Smith
Like every other night, however, he pushes his thoughts and worries to the back of his mind to relax, to enjoy the small bit of freedom he currently has. He reaches his hand into his old jeans pocket, pulls out a crumpled piece of thin paper and tosses it on his plastic desk. Though his current life had left him doubting the existence of the force of luck, he had always stuck to his same set of lucky numbers--these were the numbers printed on the paper.
The lottery was the only source of entertainment, although diminishing, in which he was able to engage. It was his only origin of chance; his whole life had, up to this point, been one bland routine...but the lottery was different. It was an infinite number of random numeral combinations strung together in a line of wonder, and it was this that drove the man to the gas station across the street every week, and motivated him to open his computer at this exact time. It was this pinch of spice to his everyday practices that punched the website into his internet browser. And it was this same wonder that lifted his head from the keyboard every Thursday to compare his numbers to the numbers on the screen.
In one last comparison of the paper and the pixels, he stared into the gray city outside his window, and knew in that moment that his life had new opportunity.
Assignment 21 Schuler Ravencraft
Assignment 21- Omer
Assignment 21- Julian Perry
Assignment 21- Gibbs
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Assignment 20- Kaylyn Torkelson
Being awkward is probably the only thing I'm actually good at, so its one of the only things I can write an experienced how-to on. However, no one actually wants to be awkward. So I don't suggest following my instructions. Maybe avoiding them is the best step.
Step One: Have Severe Social Anxiety
It's pretty simple. Dread talking to people you don't know, and you'll always set yourself up for failure when you do.
Step Two: Be Incapable of Carrying on a Conversation
Fidget. Get lost in your own thoughts. Just generally suck at trying to say what you want. Spend half the time trying to think of something to say in response to someone, and then when it comes time to actually say it, completely forget what you were thinking of. Everyone loves blank minds, right?
Step Three: Afterwards
After going through a conversation that could be described as very awkward, blush and think about what you did wrong. Run over it in your mind a couple thousand times. That way you can never get over the awkwardness.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Assignment 22 - Jacquelyn Engel
Assignment 21 - Jacquelyn Engel
Assignment 20 : How to be Organized - Jacquelyn Engel
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
21- Hallie
Sunday, March 9, 2014
Assignment 21- Thomas
Assignment 21- Genghis Goodman
Assignment 21- Megan Woodrum
Assignment 21-Garrett Uebelhor
Somewhere in the universe Garrett Uebelhor has been given the award for the crappiest day ever. Not only did Garrett write a blog post and have it deleted he has now wrote two blog posts and has had both damn blog posts deleted so I honestly am sorry if this is not what you were thinking of Mr. Logston for this writing prompt but hey I am in the universe. So any how I have had the worst day in a long time, my uncle died this morning and I ended up tied up with unexpected things all of today surrounding that. So anyhow i have not finished any of my homework and it is already 8:44 on top of the crap the universe had already thrown at me today it decided that of all the things I needed to finish on my extra extra large american super sized plate the waiter that is the universe decided it would be kind and would bring me two deserts called failed blog post one and failed blog post two. So yeppeeeee for that, thank you so freaking much universe. :) :) :)!!!!!!! #Lol #rotfl # screwgarrett
Assignment 21: Hannah Pulley
Assignment 22: Fictional Character, Fictional Life
If you could be any fictional character, who would you be and why?
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Assignment 19
Assignment 18
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Assignment 20 - Katy
Seeing as I have come into contact with extreme rudeness the past couple of weekends, I will explain how I easily got out of these situations without being rude back.
1. First of all, you need to wait for the opportunity to present itself. I wouldn't exactly suggest that you ignore the person and/ or complete these tasks unless someone is being rude to you. So wait for someone to insult you or be rude.
2. Acknowledge what they say. I know most people would say "ignore, ignore, ignore" but I believe that ignoring them only "fuels your fire" a little more. So hear what they say.
3. Respond back politely. This is going to be the hardest step of course, I struggle with it myself. However, I have learned that to respond back politely does not only show that you are the bigger person, but irritates the other person. The other person is intentionally trying to get under your skin, and by being polite you are showing that you are not bothered by them. This will drive them crazy!
4. Give a smile. Whether sincere or fake, show them that you are unscathed and unchanged by their words. Once again, this will drive them crazy. They have obviously failed at making you mad when you smile back at them!
5. Walk away. Before they can start the cycle again and you forget these 4 easy steps, just walk away. I'm not saying that you or anyone else does not have the will-power to stay polite, but I know that I do not. So after I show a smile (usually fake) I turn my heel and walk the opposite way. Once again, this will bother them more than it bothers you.
This past weekend I had a debate tournament and went against 2 very snobby girls from a private school in Louisville (the school shall remain unnamed). I ASSUMMED (hehe) that they would be polite enough to carry out a sense of professionalism in the tournament, but I was mistaken.
We had beaten them in our round and my partner and I were going on to Finals. They were not. As my partner and I walked towards the Final round location, we saw that a group of people, including the two snobby girls, were waiting to watch.
One of the snobby girls (the more snobby one I might add) turned to me. With a disgusted face she asked "YOU made it to finals?" I could tell that she was being condescending. She thought she was better than me with her private education and fancy school laptops.
I simply said "Yes!" in a cheerful voice. I added in my special fake smile. She widened her eyes and turned away from me to whisper to her friends. And I felt great.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Isaac- Assignment 20- The Art of Organized Chaos
- A good memory
- The ability to not compulsively clean things
- A lot of things you might need later. You're not sure, but they might come in handy at some point, so you keep them around.
There are, as the name implies, two parts to this craft: organization and chaos. Let's start with chaos.
Creating your chaos is a slow process, but what you'll need to do is designate an area to put your maybe-important things. Then you put them there. As time passes you will compile more and more things that you're keeping. The reason this is called chaos is because from an outside point of view the fact that you have a great many papers and items staked atop of or next to one another may be seen as chaotic.
The truly difficult part of mastering organized chaos, however, is the so-called "organization." Without a good memory, this section of your task is probably impossible. The idea is that you remember both what and where each maybe-important item you've kept is so that you can find said item as needed. Without being able to master this crucial element, you won't have mastered organized chaos. You'll just have a bunch of stuff everywhere and you probably won't even know what most of it is.