Sunday, January 12, 2014

Assignment 18 Siobhan

I love the idea of a bucket list. Once you mark something off of the list it's hard to imagine how you pictured it would be like before you did it. It's like imagining how your first day at a new school might be like. After your first day is finished it immediately changes your perseption of what you originally dreamt up. 
I want to go to two more countries by the time I finish high school. My experiences of visiting other countries has been memorable and sentimental and I would love to keep experiencing those moments. I have plans to visit Honduras over the summer on a mission trip. 
Before college is over I want to intern with a designer or a buyer. Going into fashion merchandising is something that I recently discovered would be an awesome major for me. I have the ambition needed to go somewhere in the fashion business and internships will get me on the path to success. 
Before I die I want to correct all the wrongs I have done to others. I want to make things right with everyone. I want to leave this earth as a better place than before.

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