Sunday, January 26, 2014

Assignment 18- Isaac

1. My number one priority on my high school bucket list is to learn how to play an instrument. Listening to music is a tremendous part of my life and I think learning how to play an instrument will enhance that as well as open me up to new activities and opportunities.

2. As for college, I would like to have some semblance of where I'm going after I graduate, so my number one priority on that list would be to have an internship which will give me experience in the field I want to work in as well as give me job opportunities.

3. My actual bucket list is more complex to talk about than those for high school or college. I don't know how long I'll live and I don't know what will change about myself and the world around me before I die- in 3 years the number one item on my bucket list could be something that I can't currently fathom because the technology allowing for the possibility to enter my list has not yet been invented. However, I'd like to think that my number one item on my bucket list will always be to relax more. I tend to be very anxious and when I'm relaxed I become a kinder more pleasant person. I want to be kind and pleasant more often, so I need to relax more often

*As a side note, if you ever need to relax and you're having trouble try to remember this quote from Dan Harmon. It's one of my favorites: "Nothing you do matters as much as you think. Your greatest achievements aren't yours at all, they're accidents and jokes. You're a puppet, the universe does the work, and it gets the most done when you're moving the least. Surrender, flow, relax. Don't be hard on yourself, don't put pressure on yourself, life is just a chain of experiments and results, and you'll be perfect when you're dead."

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