Monday, January 27, 2014

18-Megan Woodrum

High school  bucketlist- Buy a car....that's about it.
College bucketlist- ummm just get through it
Life bucketlist- traveling especially in Europe, married, kids, house, sell a painting

I don't want to do anything really all that out of the ordinary in my life. Some major thins I want to do before I kick the bucket, right now all m teenage mind can focus on is getting my first car. I have a fair amount saved up and I'm just waiting for the right vehicle to come along. Besides that something I really want to do before I die is sell a painting. Not to like a family member or a friend, but to become good enough that a stranger will want to purchase one. Besides that I want to tour Europe mainly Italy and France, because I love their cultures. If I could choose a couple more countries I'd choose Britain, home to all of my favorite shows, and Germany, which is the country a lot oft family came from.

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